Terraform for xBrowserSync API Google Cloud Functions implementation

This repository contains terraform code to create all resources required to run the implementation of xBrowserSync API as Google Cloud Functions.


  1. Fork the repository with the implementation of xBrowserSync API as Google Cloud Functions: https://github.com/sbogomolov/xbrowsersync-gcf.
  2. Create GCP project.
  3. Create Cloud Source Repository as a mirror of the fork you did in the first step.
  4. Use your new GCP Project ID and Cloud Source Repository name for the following variable:
    • project_id
    • repository_name
  5. Add a service account that will run the terraform scripts (you can give it the Owner role, but it probably requires less).
  6. Create a JSON key for that account and save it somewhere secure. Use it to run these scripts (e.g. set GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS env var).
  7. Run the terraform. I have used Terraform cloud to run it (https://app.terraform.io/), but is should also work from CLI. If you are running it from the cloud, then fork this repository to connect it to your workspace.


All resources created by this terraform should be covered by Free Tier. Please, make sure that this is still the case before using it!


This code is provided "as is" without any warranties nor guarantees. Author will not take any responsibility for anything related or unrelated to the usage of this code.