Employee Directory employee-directory-react



This project creates a employee directory with React. It requires to break up application's UI into components, manage component state, and respond to user events. Using faker.js I get a table of random users, when the user loads the page, a table of employees should render.

User Story

  • As a user, I want to be able to view my entire employee directory at once so that I have quick access to their information.

Business Context

An employee or manager would benefit greatly from being able to view non-sensitive data about other employees. It would be particularly helpful to be able to filter employees by name, date of birth, email, phone number and sort the table by at 4 different categories

Table of Contents


Simply clone the repo. To run locally

yarn install

yarn start

or visit the deployed page link to begin usage.


Visit the deployed page link

Overall page look with sorting by phone number ascending employee-directory-react Example of sorting by email descending employee-directory-react Example of sorting by name ascending employee-directory-react Example of sorting by date of birth ascending employee-directory-react




Licensed under MIT License.




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