Hex-Pair = two-digit hexadecimal-number i.e. x00 is decimal 0, xff is decimal 255. i.e. an 8-bit number (2^8=256) a.k.a a byte.
The encoding is "algebraic" (i.e. uncompressed, you can split it up into parts).
Hexadecimal representation. Every "morpheme" i.e. key/modifier/command is one-or-two hex-pairs long; with each "phrase" i.e. event being one-to-three of these hex-pairs. NOTE this is not the hexadecimal encoding of the ASCII representation of some key(/character); and it's not particularly ordered (afaict, it's not). TODO maybe it borrows the windows key-press event constants?
Each non-modifier non-special key is a hex-pair.
the device sends keyboard events, not Unicode characters. i.e.
the event Press("1")
is represented by:
while the (higher-level) "psedo-event" Press("!")
is represented by three (lower-level) events:
x12 x16 xF0 x12
Press(Shift,Down) Press('1') Press(Shift,Up)
the Modifiers are:
- Control
- Alt
- Shift
- Win
a Modifier event can be:
- key-down (default) or key-up.
- left/primary (default) or right.
Ctrl(Down) = 14 CtrlUp = f014
Alt(Down) = 11 AltUp = f011
Shift(Down) = 12 ShiftUp = f012
Each modifier must be pressed down and then up. The key-up prefix is f0
; the key-down suffix is null (i.e. it has no suffix).
[(Other) Special Keys]
the Delay command is a unary function represented by:
- the "operator",
; - the "operand", the duration, which is a multiple of 4, between 4 and 500, and in milliseconds, i.e.
Delay 0
is implicit, as the absence of a delay event.
Delay 504
isn't directly representable, but it's just two adjacent delays:
Delay 500 Delay 4
or as a multiple of four:
Delay (1254) Delay (0014)
which is encoded as:
e2 01 7d e2 01 01
0x7D = 125 0x01 = 001
Each key binding has:
two levels (each level having its own value for the following fields)
an AutoRepeat Boolean
a Mode enum (one of "Default (Autosense)", "Separate Up Codes", "Macro (Advanced)", "Literal (Advanced)"); TODO what do these mean?
a Macro bytestring (220 bytes max for the FirstLevel when the SecondLevel is blank, or 111 bytes max per each level when both levels have macros).
a Description string (arbitrary length, since it's only a field in the human-readable INI, while being absent from the BIN binary format that the device and/or the MacroMaster.exe GUI compiles from the INI).
Each "macro" has a maximum data-length of 220. i.e. 220 bytes, where most events are one-byte, modifer-keyups are two-bytes, commands are three-bytes.
"macro" means "the sequence of events you configure the device to be sent when you press a particular key".
the keys are named by their number (e.g. "Key1") and numbered as expected (left-to-right-then-top-to-bottom, i.e. like reading English text), and one-based (i.e. start at "Key1", not "Key0"). e.g. on a CP48, which is the 48-key kepad, grouped 8-keys-wide and 6-keys-long, the top row holds: Key1, Key2, Key3, Key4, Key5, Key6, Key7, Key8. The INI has a "header" sections (named ""); the rest of its sections are these key names (as above).