
[mtg-query] Search Engine for Magic The Gathering cards. [mtg-mode] Major Mode for editing & rendering custom cards.

Primary LanguageEmacs LispGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


the mtg package provides libraries for editing custom MTG cards (with syntax-highlighting, completions and abbreviations, embedded images, Magic Set Editor importing/exporting, etc), for searching efficiently through all MTG cards (with regular expressions, extensible predicates, etc), and more.


  • ./lisp/*.el — Elisp Source Files.
  • ./test/*.el — Emacs Unit Tests.
  • ./data/*.{json,el}.gz — MTG Data.
  • ./img/*.gifAnimated GIFs.


  • mtg-query — Search Engine for Magic: The Gathering cards, with a powerful (and extensible) query language.
  • mtg-mode — Major Mode for editing and rendering custom Magic: The Gathering cards.


mtg is a Multi-Library Package, which provides:

  • these Libraries that require only Builtin Packages in GNU Emacs:

    • mtg.el
    • mtg-mode.el
    • mtg-search.el
  • these Libraries that require Third-Party Packages on MELPA:

    • helm-mtg.el
    • company-mtg.el
  • these Datafiles with readable databases (i.e. Emacs-Lisp Objects) from https://mtgjson.com:

    • mtg-card-data.el.gz — a vectorp.
    • mtg-card-name-data.el.gz — a hash-table-p.




Company Backend for MTG Cards.


Search Syntax

an MTQ Expression is a query which matches zero-or-more MTG Cards.

Search Operators

Match Operators:

  • "…" — Match the Name(s).

  • *… — Match the Types (including Card Types, Subtypes, Supertypes). e.g. *instant means “Instant cards”. * is a Prefix Operator. Matches aliases too (see mtg-syntax-type-aliases-alist); e.g. *spell is an alias for *instant | *sorcery

  • % — Match the Colors. e.g. %u means “a blue card”. a Prefix Operator.

  • # — Match the Mana Cost. Structurally, a Mana Cost is a <https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiset Multiset>. Commas separate Logical Conjunctions a.k.a. Set Intersections. e.g. #bp,bp means “cards which cost at least two Phyrexian-Black Mana”, for example Dismember. Semicolons separate Logical Disjunctions a.k.a. Set Unions. e.g. #bp,bp;gp,gp means “cards which cost either: (1) at least two Phyrexian-Black Mana; or (2) at least two Phyrexian-Green Mana”. a Prefix Operator.

  • @ — Match the Rules Text (i.e. Oracle Text). e.g. @draw means “cards whose text has the word ‘draw’”. a Prefix Operator. NOTE in advanced usage, @(…) can surround an arbitrary Elisp String Expression (i.e. which evaluate to a stringp); including the extremely useful rx macro (i.e. @(rx …) for a human-readable Elisp Regular-Expression).

  • $ — Match Edition(s). e.g. $tsp means “Time Spiral cards” (that is, “cards printed in the set/edition Time Spiral”, not in Time Spiral block). a Prefix Operator.

  • & — Match Rarity. e.g. &r means “rares”. & is a Prefix Operator.

  • ` — Matches cards satisfying a Predefined Predicate. Customize via mtg-syntax-satisfaction-alist. e.g. `dfc means “Double-Faced Cards”. e.g. `red is equivalent to %r.

  • ~ — Matches cards belonging to a Predefined Set. Customize via mtg-syntax-membership-alist. e.g. ~bounce means *“Bounce spells/effects”"; e.g. ~bounce means *“Counterspells / Counterspell effects”". Meaning: membership in a manually-curated (and possibly subjective) set of cards; unlike other predicates which are automatically-searched against a card's text. For example, ~bounce selects members in the customizable variable mtg-bounce-list, which includes both Unsummon and Commit // Memory (but not Sensei's Divining Top). See mtg-syntax-named-alist (which has an entry like '(bounce . mtg-bounce-list)). Mnemonic: ~ and \`` share the same key (~ is `` Shift+ ``), and both take phrases which are the names of arbitrary predicates).

  • ** — Match the Subtypes. e.g. **^go means “match cards which have a subtype which starts with ‘Go’” (including Goblin, Golem, Gorgon, God, and Goat). e.g. **^go,n$ means “match cards which have a subtype which starts with ‘Go’ and ends with ‘n’” (i.e. Goblin and Gorgon). ** is a Prefix Operator. (NOTE: Subtypes are lexically simple; they're all single words, made up of only letters (besides a few exceptions of a hyphen or apostrophe); thus we can unambiguously parse (for example) the comma in **^go,n$.)

  • %% — Match the Color Identity. e.g. %%u means “a card with blue color identity” (e.g. an Island); a.k.a., equivalent, “a card which can be played in an EDH deck with a monoblue Commander” (e.g. Memnarch). %% is a Prefix Operator.

  • ## — Match the Converted Mana Cost. e.g. ##3 means “cards with converted mana cost exactly three”, for example Dismember. e.g. ##<=3 means “cards with converted mana cost three or less”. ## is a Prefix Operator; it takes a Number (or any Numerical Expression). (NOTE ##3 is equivalent to ##=3.)

  • @@ — Match any Keyword in the Keywords List (i.e. in the Rules Text, but only on their own line, not as part of a complete sentence). e.g. @@flying means *“static flyers”, which includes both creatures and noncreatures (like Vehicles) which have a line like Flying (or Flying, trample, or Defender, flying), but which includes neither …: ~ gains flying until end of turn nor ~ has flying as long as …. @@ is a Prefix Operator.

  • $$ — Match the Original Edition. e.g. $$an means “cards originally printed in Arabian Nights”, i.e. “cards introduced by the Arabian Nights edition, and thus which existed since near the start of the game”. $$ is a Prefix Operator. Mnemonic: the single dollar-sign operator and the double dollar-sign operator both match cards' Editions.

  • %%% — Match the Color Personality: my own custom predicate, which extends Color Identity with the Basic Land Types. e.g. %%%u means “a card with blue color personality” (e.g. Spire Golem, whose Color Personality is Blue while its Color Identity is Colorless; e.g. Dukhara Peafowl, whose Color Identity is Blue too). %%% is a Prefix Operator. Mnemonic: Color Personality generalizes Color Identity; its operator has an additional percent-sign.

  • $$$ — Match Block(s). e.g. $$$tsp means “Time Spiral block cards” (i.e., “cards printed in the Time Spiral block, including Planar Chaos and Future Sight”). $$$ is a Prefix Operator. Mnemonic: most blocks have three sets; sets are matched by one dollar-sign, blocks are matched by three dollar-signs.

Regexp Operators:

  • ^ — e.g. ^elves means “cards whose name starts with ‘elves’”, for example Elves of Deep Shadow. a Infix Operator (but which may look like a Prefix Operator).
  • $ — e.g. elves$ means “cards whose name ends with ‘elves’”, for example Llanowar Elves. a Infix Operator (but which may look like a Postfix Operator).

Logical Operators:

  • !Logical Negation. e.g. %!u *!instant means “nonblue non-instants” (for example, Birds of Paradise). ! is a Prefix Operator, can both come before and be within most other MTQ Expressions and MTQ Operators.
  • |Logical Disjunction a.k.a. OR. e.g. %u | *instant means “either blue cards or instants”.
  • &Logical Conjunction a.k.a. AND. e.g. %u & *instant means “blue instants”.NOTE most whitespace is equivalent to ampersands; for example, %u & *instant is equivalent to %u *instant.

Logical Operators

  • >
  • <
  • =
  • >=
  • <=
  • /=
  • !=

Numeric Operators:

  • +
  • <
  • =
  • >=
  • <=
  • /=
  • !=

Query Operators:

  • . — the Selection Operator. e.g. .name means “show only card names in the results list”. e.g. .cmc,name means “show only CMCs and card names, in that order”. . is a Prefix Operator, and may be an Infix Operator. . expects an Ordered Set of Card Fields and/or Card Parts.

Grouping Characters:

  • () — e.g. (). anything within parentheses is an arbitrary S-Expression. it's how you embed Elisp into MTG Search DSL. For example,
  • [] — e.g. [].
  • {} — e.g. {}.
  • " — e.g. "".

Other operators:

  • \\ — e.g. \}. an Infix Operator.

  • — e.g. . an Infix Operator. Whitespace separates

  • , — e.g. ,. an Infix Operator.

  • ; — e.g. ;. an Infix Operator.

  • / — e.g. /. an Infix Operator.

  • | — e.g. |. an Infix Operator.

  • & — e.g. &. an Infix Operator.

  • + — e.g. +. an Infix Operator.

  • _ — e.g. _. an Infix Operator.

  • ? — e.g. ?. a Suffix Operator.

  • ` — e.g. `. a Suffix Operator.

Non-Operator characters:

  • '
  • letters
  • digits

Default MTG Variables (add your own via mtg-defvar):

  • NAME

  • COST


















  • `` —

  • `` —

  • `` —

Search S-Expressions

For example, the “MTQ Expression” %u *instant can be rewritten (more explicitly, but more verbosely) as the “S-Expression” (and (memq 'blue COLORS) (memq 'instant TYPES)).


The syntax of MTQ was inspired by:

  • <magiccards.info> — and <scryfall.com>, websites for searching MTG cards. e.g. o:draw id<=esper t:instant means *Card-Draw Instants you can play with an Esper Commander".
  • helm-mini — from the Helm Emacs Package. e.g. *lisp ^helm @moc means: only buffers which are in lisp-mode (*lisp), whose names start with "helm" (^helm), and whose contents have "moc" (@moc)*.
  • elfeed — from the Elfeed Emacs Package. e.g. @1-year-old +youtube linu[xs] -bsd #15 means a filter that finds all entries from within the past year (@1-year-old) tagged “youtube” (+youtube) that mention Linux or Linus (linu[sx]), but aren’t tagged “bsd” (-bsd), limited to the most recent 15 entries (#15)


mtg-defvar defines an MTG Variable.

MTG Variables aren't Elisp Variables, but are “bound” as Elisp Variables within an MTG Form. By convention, they are uppercase (to match the default MTG Variables, and to distinguish themselves visually from Elisp Variable).

mtg-defvar is a macro with signature:

(mtg-defvar NAME FORM)

For example:

(mtg-defvar SIZE

    (> CMC SIZE)))


  • the ^ancestral *instant @draw pattern — narrows to Card-Draw Instants. i.e. cards:

    • whose Card Name starts with Ancestral.
    • whose Card Type includes Instant.
    • whose Rules Text includes draw case-insensitive and between word-boundaries. (e.g. Draw ... and “... draw.” both match, but drawn doesn't match).
  • the *elf,druid 1/ elf|elves pattern — narrows to, for example, Llanowar Elves and Elves of Deep Shadow. i.e. cards:

    • whose Card Name includes either the word Elf (singular) or Elves (plural), or both.
    • whose Card Type includes both Elf and Druid.
    • whose Power is exactly 1 (and whose Toughness can be anything.)


For names or text with whitespace, to group them under a single operator (i.e. as one “word”) either:

  • capitalize each word, strip out commas, then squish them together.

    • e.g. Advent of the Wurm becomes AdventOfTheWurm (NOTE of and the become capitalized.).
    • e.g. first strike becomes FirstStrike (NOTE or even just firststrike, since by default, all keywords can be recognized by single-word aliases.)
  • surround with quotations:

    • e.g. "first strike".


Porting Scryfall Queries

with has:indicator.

c:rg %rg Cards that are red and green

color>=uw -c:red color>=uw -c:red Cards that are at least white and blue, but not red

id<=esper t:instant id<=esper t:instant Instants you can play with an Esper commander

id:c t:land %%c *land Land cards with colorless identity


mtg-mode is a Major Mode for rendering and editing Magic: the Gathering cards.


  • Prettify symbols — e.g. {2}{U} as ②💧 (via prettify-symbols-mode).
  • Docs (via eldoc-mode).

Syntax Highlighting

e.g. ‹Dark Ritual›:

Dark Ritual {B}
Instant (c) (A)
Add {B}{B}{B}.
(Illustrated by Clint Langley.)
(Designed by Richard Garfield.)

Syntactically, what distinguishes the name line with its mana cost (i.e. « Dark Ritual {B} ») from a text line with mana symbols (i.e. « Add {B}{B}{B}. »)? (1) the trailing period in (non-KeywordList) Rules Text, or (2) being the first line.

Given this printing of « Dark Ritual »:

Dark Ritual
Add {B}{B}{B}.
(Illustrated by Clint Langley.)
(Designed by Richard Garfield.)

Parse into these fields:

  • Dark Ritual — card name.
  • {B} — mana cost, i.e. '(b) (one Black Mana).
  • Instant — card type(s), i.e. '(instant).
  • Add {B}{B}{B}. — rules text, i.e. "Add {B}{B}{B}.".
  • (c) — rarity (common).
  • (A) — edition (alpha).
  • (Illustrated by Clint Langley.) — card-printing metadata.
  • (Designed by Richard Garfield.) — card metadata.
  • `` —

then derive and/or default these fields:

  • 1 — the cmc, via (mtg-convert-mana-cost ('b))
  • 'black — the color, via (mtg-convert-mana-cost ('b))
  • '() — i.e. no supertypes nor subtypes.

Card Color is primarily derived from the Mana Cost, but ultimately can be overridden by the Rules Text.

For example:

Transguild Courier {4}
Transguild Courier is all colors.

Transguild Courier's Mana Cost implies colorlessness (i.e. nil), but its Rules Text declares it's "all colors" (i.e. t).

For example:

Pact of Negation {0}
Pact of Negation is blue.

Pact of Negation's Mana Cost implies colorlessness (i.e. nil), but its Rules Text declares it's "blue" (i.e. '(u)).

Generally, the first line of Rules Text which explicitly characterizes Card Color looks like either

  • ~ is COLOR. — where COLOR is a color, by default: white, blue, black, red, green.
  • ~ is all colors.

Prettify Symbols

Render symbols either:

  • as Unicode, for portability — e.g. {2}{U} as ②💧.
  • as Images, for prettiness — e.g. {2}{U} as {2}{U}


For example, this text:

Powerstone Curio {1}
Artifact (c)
{T}: Draw a card. Activate this ability only if you have seven or more cards in hand.
Your maximum hand size is increased by one.
"It strobes at the rate of thought."

can be rendered as this:

Powerstone CurioArtifact © Ⓣ: Draw a card. Activate this ability only if you have seven or more cards in hand. Your maximum hand size is increased by one. “It strobes at the rate of thought.”


Customize mtg-prettify-symbols-style:

  • nil — no prettification (display text between curly-braces literally).
  • 'characters — display as Unicode Characters.
  • 'images — display as SVG Images.

Customize mtg-prettify-symbols-*-alist to:

  • Replace the default images/characters.
  • Register your own Symbols and how to display them.

e.g. Register a custom symbol and its display character:

(add-to-list 'mtg-prettify-symbols-characters-alist '("U/H" . ?))

e.g. Register a custom symbol and its display image:

(add-to-list 'mtg-prettify-symbols-images-alist '("U/H" . ""))




mtg-company is a Company Backend for completing Magic: the Gathering card names.


Release Files

The tarball (mtg.tar.gz) includes these files:

  • ./lisp/mtg-*.el[.gz] — the Code.

  • ./json/*.json[.gz] — the Data.

e.g. Re-Install Vintage.json.gz:

$ (cd ./json && wget https://mtgjson.com/json/Vintage.json.gz)

e.g. Check the size of Vintage.json.gz:

$ du -h ./json

  45M ./json/Vintage.json.gz

NOTE Vintage.json.gz is version-controlled & distributed, Vintage.json isn't:

$ mkdir ./tmp && cd ./tmp && cp ../json/Vintage.json.gz . && uncompress ./tmp/*.json.gz)

$ du -h ./tmp

  261M ./tmp/Vintage.json.gz

./json/Vintage-card-names.json.gz is generated via jq:

$ cat ./json/Vintage.json.gz | gzip -d | jq '[.[].cards[].name | strings] | unique' | gzip -c > ./json/Vintage-card-names.json.gz

Development Files

Build Files include:

  • Makefile
  • Cask




mtg-mode is a Major Mode for rendering and editing Magic the Gathering cards.


  • Prettify symbols — e.g. {2}{U} as ②💧 (via prettify-symbols-mode).
  • Completion — complete lists (e.g. of card names, creature types, keywords, etc) conveniently (via completing-read and completion-at-point).
  • Docs — echo information (e.g. its cost, color, card type, power/toughness, etc) about the card name at point (via eldoc-mode).

MTG Mode

Font Lock

Prettify Symbols

Render symbols either:

  • as Unicode, for portability — e.g. {2}{U} as ②💧.
  • as Images, for prettiness — e.g. {2}{U} as {2}{U}

Customize mtg-prettify-symbols-style:

  • nil means — no prettification (display text between curly-braces literally).
  • 'characters means — display as Unicode Characters.
  • 'images means — display as SVG Images.

Customize mtg-prettify-symbols-*-alist to:

  • Replace the default images/characters.
  • Register your own Symbols and how to display them.

e.g. Register a custom symbol and its display character:

(add-to-list 'mtg-prettify-symbols-characters-alist '("U/H" . ?))

e.g. Register a custom symbol and its display image:

(add-to-list 'mtg-prettify-symbols-images-alist '("U/H" . ""))
