Encuentra Tu Mascota (v2.0)

Dev setup

Clone the repo and start the Docker container:

$ git clone git@github.com:sborrazas/encuentratumascota.git
$ cd encuentratumascota
$ docker-compose up -d etm_app

Run the ansible provisioning scripts on the new instance:

$ make ansible-shell
$ ansible-playbook --skip-tags remote -i inventory/development provision.yml

Then, bash into the running instance, add the seeds, start nginx and then run the Cuba app:

$ make live-shell
$ ruby ./db/seeds.rb
$ nginx
$ shotgun -p 9393

Then, on a separate shell, install all npm packages and start webpack:

$ make shell
$ npm install
$ npm run start

Production setup

Move to the ansible directory and run the following commands.

Setup AWS IAM user

Configure AWS names and identifiers in ansible/aws.yml and run the following command:

$ make aws-user

If a new user is created the new AWS credentials will be located in ansible/credentials. These credentials can then be used to start/stop/terminate EC2 instances and create and delete S3 buckets. These are the credentials needed to provision and deploy the application.

The easiest way to do this, would be to install the bs script and move this credentials file to ansible/.env.

Setup AWS EC2 keypair

You should now create the EC2 keypair if you don't have one already:

$ bs make aws-keypair

You should now be able to connect to EC2 instances using this keypair located in the output directory.

Setup AWS EC2 instance

When the application is not yet running, the provision script will start the EC2 instance and install all the required packages to run the application (nginx, postgresql, etc).

With your credentials in the environment (or in the .env using bs) run:

$ bs make aws-launch

After running this, you should have an EC2 instance running. The Ansible inventory file where this new EC2 instance was added as a host should be in the production file on the outputs directory.

Move it to the ansible/inventory/production file.

Provision the instance

With the hosts file located in the inventory directory, and the variables set up in group_vars/production.yml with Ansible Vault.

To be able to connect to EC2 hosts, you need to use the keypair that was given to you by the keypair Ansible playbook. In order to add it to your SSH session, run the following:

$ ssh-add mykey.pem
$ ssh-add -l # Make sure the session is listed

Then run the provisioning script:

$ make provision


For deploying the app, make sure you have the right configuration set on ansible/group_vars/production.yml (use production.yml.example as an example).

Then run:

$ make deploy