
My setup for building a custom OpenWRT firmware using Vagrant

Primary LanguageRuby


My setup for building a custom OpenWRT firmware based on the most current Trunk snapshots.

The setup uses Vagrant (and VirtualBox) to provide a clean and isolated build environment for the OpenWRT Image Builder tool based on Ubuntu. Vagrant takes care of provisioning the Ubuntu box using a simple Chef recipe that installs the packages and dependencies that are required to build the OpenWRT firmware. As a result, one can quickly setup for and build OpenWRT firmware on their computer regardless of OS, and not have to figure out how to get OpenWRT to build on that computer/OS.

To try out my setup, do the following:

  1. Install VirtualBox. (https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads)
  2. Install Vagrant. (http://downloads.vagrantup.com/)
  3. Clone this repository.
  4. Change to the directory containing your clone.
  5. Type vagrant up. This will download an Ubuntu VM and provision requirements for OpenWRT builds.
  6. Type vagrant ssh -c "/openwrt/check". This will find out the current OpenWRT Trunk revision.
  7. Type vagrant ssh -c "/openwrt/update". This will download the latest snapshot and build a custom firmware based on that snapshot. If the firmware builds, the firmware binary will be copied to the cloned setup directory.

Build settings are configured in cookbooks/OpenWRT/attributes/default.rb. They can be overridden in VagrantFile.