
Source code documentation tool for the Xojo programming language

Primary LanguageXojo


Source code documentation tool for Xojo.


To your Xojo source, add Notes, Descriptions via Inspector, Comments at the top of Methods or notes in the property editor. These will then appear in a formatted AsciiDoc file.


$ xojodoc -f myproject.adoc myproject.xojo_project
$ asciidoc myproject.adoc


Currently only .xojo_project and .xojo_code files are processed. .xojo_xml_code support is planned. .xojo_binary_project support is not.

App Help

$ xojodoc --help
When writing multiple files (no -s/--single), you must specify -o/--output-directory

  -h, --help           Show help
  --output-format=STR  Format of the output, default: asciidoc, others:
  --flat               Flatten output directory structure
  -f FILE, --output-file=FILE
                       Write to a single file
  -o DIR, --output-directory=DIR
                       Directory to write files to
  --include-private    Include items marked private
  --include-protected  Include items marked protected
  --include-events     Include implemented events
  -e STR, --exclude=STR
                       Exclude items beginning with Full Name of
  -i STR, --include=STR
                       Include items beginning with Full Name of


xojodoc is in its infancy. There are likely bugs and it's use, maybe even its name is likely to change.

If you find a bug, please at bare minimum report it on the github issue tracker but better yet, fork the project on github.com, fix the bug and create a pull request.