
Complete python definition for Maya

Primary LanguagePython

Maya Python Cmds Definiton

This provide advance python definition for the maya.cmds modules.

  • keyword args auto complete
  • keyword args type
  • keyword args documentation directly in the IDE
  • function documentation directly in the IDE


To use this, you should set up your development environment to include Maya completion located here {maya_folder}/devkit/other/pymel/extras/completion/py and to use the interpreter located here {maya_folder}/bin/mayapy.

Download out/cmds/__init__.py and replace the file located here {maya_folder}/devkit/other/pymel/extras/completion/py/maya/cmds

If you are using Pycharm you can use out/cmds/__init__.pyi. This will provide advanced typing. Delete or rename the old __init__.py file.

Note: Since this is a big file, Pycharm will probably ask you to increase the available memory. In Pycharm go to: Help -> Edit Custom Properties..., add this line to the file: idea.max.intellisense.filesize=999999 save and restart Pycharm.

Example of function definition:

def lookThru(*args, farClip=0.0, nearClip=0.0, q=True, query=True, **kwargs):
    This command sets a particular camera to look through in a view  This command may also be
    used to view the negative z axis of lights or other DAG objects  The standard camera tools
    can then be used to place the object   Note: if there are multiple objects under the
    transform selected, cameras and lights take precedence
    :param farClip: (C) Used when setting clip far plane for a new look thru camera  Will not
    affect the attributes of an existing camera  Clip values must come before shape
    :type farClip: float
    :param nearClip: (C) Used when setting near clip plane for a new look thru camera  Will not
    affect the attributes of an existing camera  Clip values must come before shap
    :type nearClip: float
    :rtype: None