
Load Libraries.io data into offline PostgreSQL database

Primary LanguageShell

Load Libraries.io data in Postgres

Load an offline copy of the Libraries.io database into a Postgresql.

Data Source

Jeremy Katz. (2020). Libraries.io Open Source Repository 
and Dependency Metadata (1.6.0) [Data set]. Zenodo. 


Setup: Dependencies and Environment Variables

  • postgresql (script assumes user postgres can write to a local database librariesio)
  • curl
  • make

See .envrc for required environment variables.

export WORKDIR=$HOME"/data/librariesio"
export TARGZ="libraries-1.6.0-2020-01-12.tar.gz"
export URL="https://zenodo.org/record/3626071/files/"$TARGZ
export PG="psql -U postgres -d librariesio"
export DATASETS=("dependencies" "projects" "projects_with_repository_fields"
   "repositories" "repository_dependencies" "versions" "tags")

In particular, WORKDIR is the directory where the Libraries.io archive will be downloaded and individual CSV datasets will be extracted.

Load Database

Download archive, extract individual datasets, and load the data into Postgres:

