Corded Bot is a simple Discord bot to make your life easier. Click here to add me to your server!
Need help? Click here to join the support server!
Join the support server to receive updates. Subscribe to our Bot Update channel to be the first to receive new bot updates. Subscribe to our Downtime channel to be notified when the bot is down.
If you discover a bug/glitch or find that the bot is behaving weirdly, please report it by joining the support server here in the #bugs-and-glitches channel.
- Moderation commands
- Fun commands
- Host giveaways
- Covid-19 information
- Math commands
- Verification system
- Custom configuration
- and many more!
- Kick
- Ban/Unban
- Massban
- Softban
- Mute
- Unmute
- Decancer
- Purge
- Pin
- Unpin
- Remove Reactions
- Set Nickname
- Mimic
- Morse Code
- Reverse
- Meme
- Tweet
- Embed
- Owoifier
- Choose
- Alternate
- Spoiler
- Hack
- And many more!
- gstart
- gcreate
- Covid <continent>
- Covid <country>
- Covid all
- prefix
- modrole
- modlog
- muterole
- age requirement - in beta
- captcha - in beta
Question: How do I change the prefix?
Answer: You can change the prefix using {prefix}prefix change <your new prefix>
Question: I changed Corded Bot's prefix but I forgot it
Answer: You can mention corded bot as the prefix or you can use cb.
, which is the global prefix.
Question: Corded Bot says that I don't have permissions to use this command but I have all the permissions needed
Answer: Some of the commands are still in testing so they can only be used by the owner of the bot.
Question: I have a suggestion for the bot or I found a bug in the bot.
Answer: Please join the support server for help.