fname: { mandatory},
lname: {mandatory},
title: {mandatory, enum[Mr, Mrs, Miss]},
email: {mandatory, valid email, unique},
password: {mandatory}
- Blogs Model
title: {mandatory},
body: {mandatory},
authorId: {mandatory, refs to author model},
tags: {array of string},
category: {string, mandatory},
subcategory: {array of string, examples[technology-[web development, mobile development, AI, ML etc]] },
deletedAt: {when the document is deleted},
isDeleted: {boolean, default: false},
publishedAt: {when the blog is published},
isPublished: {boolean, default: false}}
### Author APIs /authors
- Create an author - atleast 5 authors
- Create a author document from request body.
`Endpoint: BASE_URL/authors`
### POST /blogs
- Create a blog document from request body. Get authorId in request body only.
- Make sure the authorId is a valid authorId by checking the author exist in the authors collection.
- Return HTTP status 201 on a succesful blog creation. Also return the blog document. The response should be a JSON object like [this](#successful-response-structure)
- Create atleast 5 blogs for each author
- Return HTTP status 400 for an invalid request with a response body like [this](#error-response-structure)
### GET /blogs
- Returns all blogs in the collection that aren't deleted and are published
- Return the HTTP status 200 if any documents are found. The response structure should be like [this](#successful-response-structure)
- If no documents are found then return an HTTP status 404 with a response like [this](#error-response-structure)
- Filter blogs list by applying filters. Query param can have any combination of below filters.
- By author Id
- By category
- List of blogs that have a specific tag
- List of blogs that have a specific subcategory
example of a query url: blogs?filtername=filtervalue&f2=fv2
### PUT /blogs/:blogId
- Updates a blog by changing the its title, body, adding tags, adding a subcategory. (Assuming tag and subcategory received in body is need to be added)
- Updates a blog by changing its publish status i.e. adds publishedAt date and set published to true
- Check if the blogId exists (must have isDeleted false). If it doesn't, return an HTTP status 404 with a response body like [this](#error-response-structure)
- Return an HTTP status 200 if updated successfully with a body like [this](#successful-response-structure)
- Also make sure in the response you return the updated blog document.
### DELETE /blogs/:blogId
- Check if the blogId exists( and is not deleted). If it does, mark it deleted and return an HTTP status 200 without any response body.
- If the blog document doesn't exist then return an HTTP status of 404 with a body like [this](#error-response-structure)
### DELETE /blogs?queryParams
- Delete blog documents by category, authorid, tag name, subcategory name, unpublished
- If the blog document doesn't exist then return an HTTP status of 404 with a body like [this](#error-response-structure)
## Phase II
- Add authentication and authroisation feature
### POST /login
- Allow an author to login with their email and password. On a successful login attempt return a JWT token contatining the authorId in response body like [this](#Successful-login-Response-structure)
- If the credentials are incorrect return a suitable error message with a valid HTTP status code
### Authentication
- Add an authorisation implementation for the JWT token that validates the token before every protected endpoint is called. If the validation fails, return a suitable error message with a corresponding HTTP status code
- Protected routes are create a blog, edit a blog, get the list of blogs, delete a blog(s)
- Set the token, once validated, in the request - `x-api-key`
- Use a middleware for authentication purpose.
### Authorisation
- Make sure that only the owner of the blogs is able to edit or delete the blog.
- In case of unauthorized access return an appropirate error message.
## Testing (Self-evaluation During Development)
- To test these apis create a new collection in Postman named Project 1 Blogging
- Each api should have a new request in this collection
- Each request in the collection should be rightly named. Eg Create author, Create blog, Get blogs etc
- Each member of each team should have their tests in running state
Refer below sample

## Response
### Successful Response structure
status: true,
data: {
### Error Response structure
status: false,
message: ""
## Collections
### Blogs
"title": "How to win friends",
"body": "Blog body",
"tags": ["Book", "Friends", "Self help"],
"category": "Book",
"subcategory": ["Non fiction", "Self Help"],
"published": false,
"publishedAt": "", // if published is true publishedAt will have a date 2021-09-17T04:25:07.803Z
"deleted": false,
"deletedAt": "", // if deleted is true deletedAt will have a date 2021-09-17T04:25:07.803Z,
"createdAt": "2021-09-17T04:25:07.803Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-09-17T04:25:07.803Z",
### Successful Login Response structure
status: true,
data: {
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdXRob3JJZCI6IjYyZmUzYmUzMzY2ZmFkNDZjY2Q1MzI3ZiIsImlhdCI6MTY2MDgzMDA4MywiZXhwIjoxNjYwODY2MDgzfQ.mSo-TLyRlGhMNcy4ftEvvIlCHlyEqpaFZc-iBth4lfg"
#### Refer https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/guide/ for some fake blogs data.
#### Note: Create a group database and use the same database in connection string by replacing `groupXDatabase`.