
The Automagic Project Scheduler Library.

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT

Milestones - The Thinking Tasks Scheduler

License MIT Build Status Gratipay

Automagic logo

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"

  • According to Clarke's 3rd Law

Milestones is a Clojure library that needs only your project tasks description in order to generate the best possible schedule for you. This is based on priorities of scheduling that you set (in terms of fields in tasks, more about this in a second).

Constraints on tasks are:

  • Resource (i.e, which resource is needed to perform task),
  • The task duration,
  • And predecessors (i.e, which tasks need to be done before a particular task can be fired).

Based on the above constraints, Milestones either generates the schedule, if it does not detect scheduling errors, or shows you what it does not like.

Tasks are basically a map containing IDs as keys and information about the tasks as values. Information about a task is itself a map of associating fields to values; here is an example:

{ 1 { :task-name "A description about this task"
      :resource-id 2
      :duration 5 :priority 1}

  2 {:task-name "A description about this task"
      :resource-id 1
      :duration 4
      :priority 1
      :predecessors [1]}}

Milestones tries to detect any circular dependencies (tasks that depend on themselves or tasks that end up depending on themselves). The tasks definition must be a directed non-cyclical graph.

Tasks (that are not milestones) without resource-ids won't be scheduled. Those will be reported as erroneous.

Special tasks with :is-milestone "whatever" are milestones. They are assigned a random user and a duration 1, so they can enter the computation like ordinary tasks. They must have predecessors, otherwise they will be reported as erroneous.

If there is success of computation, the output of Milestones is a schedule. It will be comprised of the very same tasks map with a :begin field, telling us when to begin each task. Time is depicted as integers.

{ 1 { :task-name "A description about this task"
      :resource-id 2
      :duration 5
      :priority 1
      :begin 0}

  2 {:task-name "A description about this task"
     :resource-id 1
     :duration 4
     :priority 1
     :predecessors [1] :begin 5}}


You can grab it from clojars. Using Leiningen, you put the dependency in the :dependencies section in your project.clj:

Clojars Project


You fire up the library using the schedule function, then pass to it a map containing tasks and a vector containing the properties you want the scheduler to prioritize the tasks according to. Priorities at left are considered first, less is scheduled first. Say you want to schedule tasks with lower :priority and then lower :duration first:

    (schedule tasks [:priority :duration])

It gives you back tasks with :begin fields, or an error

    {:errors nil

    :result {1 {**:begin** }}}


    {:errors {:reordering-errors reordering-errors
             :tasks-w-predecessors-errors tasks-predecessors-errors
             :tasks-cycles tasks-cycles
             :milestones-w-no-predecessors milestones-w-no-predecessors}

     :result nil}

Sample Case

for example, if you have tasks def'd to:

    1 {:task-name "Bring bread"
         :resource-id "mehdi"
         :duration 5
         :priority 1
         :predecessors []}

    2 {:task-name "Bring butter"
       :resource-id "rafik"
       :duration 5
       :priority 1
       :predecessors []}

    3 {:task-name "Put butter on bread"
       :resource-id "salma"
       :duration 3
       :priority 1
       :predecessors [1 2]}

    4 {:task-name "Eat toast"
       :resource-id "rafik"
        :duration 4
        :priority 1
        :predecessors [3]}

    5 {:task-name "Eat toast"
        :resource-id "salma"
        :duration 4
        :priority 1
        :predecessors [3]}

    ;; now some milestones
    6 {:task-name "Toasts ready"
        :is-milestone true
        :predecessors [3]}}

you would want to run

    (schedule tasks [:duration])

and you'd have :

     {:error nil,
      :result {
      ;;tasks with :begin field, i.e at what time shall they be fired.
      {:achieved 5,
       :begin 1,
       :task-name "Bring bread",
       :resource-id "mehdi",
       :duration 5,
       :priority 1,
       :predecessors []},
      {:achieved 5,
       :begin 1,
       :task-name "Bring butter",
       :resource-id "rafik",
       :duration 5,
       :priority 1,
       :predecessors []},
      {:resource-id "salma",
       :achieved 3,
       :duration 3,
       :predecessors [1 2],
       :begin 6,
       :task-name "Put butter on bread",
       :priority 1},
      {:resource-id "rafik",
       :achieved 4,
       :duration 4,
       :predecessors [3],
       :begin 9,
       :task-name "Eat toast",
       :priority 1},
      {:resource-id "salma",
       :achieved 4,
       :duration 4,
       :predecessors [3],
       :begin 9,
       :task-name "Eat toast",
       :priority 1},
      {:resource-id :milestone-user21667,
       :achieved 1,
       :duration 1,
       :predecessors [3],
       :begin 9,
       :task-name "Toasts ready",
       :is-milestone true}}}

Which you can pass to another program to render as a GANTT diagram (ours is coming soon.) You should have :achieved equal to :duration, or Milestones was not able to schedule all of the tasks - This should not happen by the way.


Error Map Key What it means
:reordering-errors { 1 [:priority],...} You gave priority to tasks according to fields (:priority) which some tasks (1) lack)
:tasks-w-predecessors-errors :{6 [13],...} these tasks have these non-existent predecessors.
:tasks-w-no-resources [1,... These tasks are no milestones and are not assigned to any resource
:tasks-cycles [[1 2] [3 5]... Couple of tasks that are in a cycle : 1 depends on 2, and 2 on 1
:milestones-w-no-predecessors [1 2... These milestones don't have predecessors


The concept of auto-magic project scheduling is inspired from the great Taskjuggler..

A first prototype of Milestones was built as an entry to the Clojure Cup 2014. You can find the code and some technical explanation of the algorithms in use (core.async, etc...) here.

Although the prototype showcases the main idea, this repository is the official one, i.e, contains latest versions and is more thoroughly tested.

License and Credits

Copyright © 2016 Rafik Naccache and Contributors. Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

All used Libraries in this project (see project.clj) pertain to their respective authors and their respective licenses apply.

The Automagic Logo - Labeled "The Robot and The Bunny" is created by my friend Chakib Daoud.