This repository contains a Thor task which, given a dictionary, generates two output files, 'sequences.txt' and 'words.txt'.

  • sequences.txt contains every sequence of four letters (A-z) that appears in exactly one word of the dictionary, one sequence per line.
  • words.txt contains the corresponding words that contain the sequences, in the same order, again one per line.


  • Ruby 2.2.0.

The Set Up

  • Clone this repository:

    git clone
  • cd into the newly-created words-test directory, and install the gems by running bundle install or simply bundle. You may want to create and use a new gemset before installing the gems.

  • Still in the app directory, you can run

    thor list

to see the list of Thor tasks. You should see the hello_labs:parser:parse task. This is the command you will run after completing the initial set up steps.

  • By default, the task will use the input/dictionary.txt file (included). If you'd like to use a different file, download or create it before running the task.

Running the Task

  • The easiest way to run the task is with default options:

    thor hello_labs:parser:parse
    • This assumes that:
      • The input file input/dictionary.txt exists and is not empty.
      • There are no output/sequences.txt or output/words.txt files yet.
  • Pass in task parameters in order to specify a different input file, to change the default output directory, or to force the script to overwrite existing output files. To see the expected parameters and their default values, run:

    thor help hello_labs:parser:parse
  • For more information on Thor, visit

Running the Tests

  • To run the test suite, simply use the Rspec command:
    bundle exec rspec

or simply:

  • The tests use mocking where it makes sense, and cover:
    • File creation logic
    • Option switch logic
    • Dictionary parsing algorithm. The file found at spec/input/dictionary.txt, which contains various test cases, is used for this purpose.