This projects includes most of the things you can find on as a Tutorial.
Right Click the .uproject file and select "Generate Project Files"
Loading the project with UE4 should now automatically compile the Project
Go to your UnrealEngine folder and run:
$ mono Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe -projectfiles -project="/path/to/project/folder/RnD.uproject" -game -engine
Exchange -projectfiles with whatever files you need. ( -makefile -cmakefile -kdevelopfile -qmakefile -codelitefile), can use multiple.
Now go into the folder of this repo and run:
$ make RnDEditor
You should now be able to open the project with Unreal Engine
If you are not, also run:
$ make RnD
Start the project, go to the root folder (content) and click
Add New -> Feature or Content Pack -> Content Packs -> Starter Content
You will also need to add AnimStarterPack (UE4 Mannequin), or exchange it for the Blue standard guy that comes with UE4.
- Player Character (C++)
- Interaction System (C++)
- Compass
- Lock Picking à la Fallout
- Minimap (defunct/remaking)
- Random Generated World (RGW folder)
- Targeting System
- Camera Switching
- Character Switching
- Dialog System (C++/BP)
- Wave System (C++)