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ConductR Bundle Plugin

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This plugin has been replaced by sbt-conductr. Please use this instead.


A plugin that uses the sbt-native-packager to produce Typesafe ConductR bundles.

The plugin will take a Universal or Docker package that you have presently configured and wrap it in a bundle.


Declare the plugin (typically in a plugins.sbt):

addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-bundle" % "1.3.2")

Declaring the native packager or any of its other plugins should be sufficient. For example, in your build.sbt file:

lazy val root = (project in file(".")).enablePlugins(JavaAppPackaging)

Note that users of Play 2.4 onward can instead type:


...or PlayJava for Java.

For Play 2.3 that you must also additionally enable JavaAppPackaging for your build e.g.:

enablePlugins(JavaAppPackaging, PlayScala)

Note also that if you have used a pre 1.0 version of sbt-native-packager then you must remove imports such as the following from your .sbt files:

import com.typesafe.sbt.SbtNativePackager._
import NativePackagerKeys._

...otherwise you will get duplicate imports reported. This is because the new 1.0+ version uses sbt's auto plugin feature.

Finally, produce a bundle:


It is possible to produce additional configuration bundles that contain an optional bundle.conf the value of which override the main bundle, as well as arbitrary shell scripts. These additional configuration files must be placed in your project's src/bundle-configuration/default folder.

The bundle-configuration folder may contain many configurations in order to support development style scenarios, the desired configuration can be specified with the setting ("default" is the default folder name):

BundleKeys.configurationName := "default"

...in build.sbt

Then, to produce this additional bundle:


Note that bundle configuration that is generally performed from within sbt is therefore part of the project to support developer use-cases. Operational use-cases where sensitive data is held in configuration is intended to be performed outside of sbt, and in conjunction with the ConductR CLI (specifically the shazar command).

Advanced bundles and configuration

sbt-bundle is capable of producing many bundles and bundle configurations for a given sbt module.

Adding Java options

Suppose you need to add Java options to your start command. You'll need to do this, say, to get a Play application binding to the correct IP address and port (supposing that the endpoint is named "web"):

javaOptions in Bundle ++= Seq("-Dhttp.address=$WEB_BIND_IP", "-Dhttp.port=$WEB_BIND_PORT")

Renaming an executable

Sometimes you need to invoke something other than the script that the native packager assumes. For example, if you have a script in the bin folder named start.sh, and it isn't expecting any Java options:

BundleKeys.executableScriptPath in Bundle := (file((normalizedName in Bundle).value) / "bin" / "start.sh").getPath
javaOptions in Bundle := Seq.empty

Extending bundles

Suppose that you have an sbt module where there are multiple ways in which it can be produced. ReactiveMaps is one such example where the one application can be deployed in three ways:

  • frontend
  • backend-region
  • backend-summary

Its frontend configuration is expressed in the regular way i.e. within the global scope:

// Main bundle configuration

normalizedName := "reactive-maps-frontend"
BundleKeys.nrOfCpus := 2.0

Thus a regular bundle:dist will produce the frontend bundle.

We can then extend the bundle configuration and overlay some new values for a different target. Here's a sample of what the backend-region target looks like:

lazy val BackendRegion = config("backend-region").extend(Bundle)
  normalizedName := "reactive-maps-backend-region",
  BundleKeys.configurationName := (normalizedName in BackendRegion).value,

A new configuration is created that extends the regular Bundle one for the purposes of delegating sbt settings. Therefore anything declared within the inConfig function will have precedence over that which is declared in the Bundle sbt configuration. The bundleSettings function defines a few important settings that you need.

To produce the above bundle then becomes a matter of just backend-region:dist.

Extending bundle configurations

The optional bundle.conf file can either be provided directly, or be generated via sbt settings. The following shows how to create an sbt configuration and then define bundle.conf settings. The settings are for a fictitious backend configuration that overrides the bundle name and the roles:

lazy val Backend = config("backend").extend(BundleConfiguration)
  normalizedName := "reactive-maps-backend",
  roles := Set("big-backend-server")

Note the distinction between the configurationSettings and bundleSettings for bundle configurations and bundles respectively.

You must also associate the configuration with your project:

lazy val root = (project in file("."))

A configuration for the above can then be generated:



The following settings are provided under the BundleKeys object:

Name Description
bundleConf The bundle configuration file contents.
bundleType The type of configuration that this bundling relates to. By default Universal is used.
checkInitialDelay Initial delay before the check uris are triggered. The FiniteDuration value gets rounded up to full seconds. Default is 3 seconds.
checks Declares uris to check to signal to ConductR that the bundle components have started for situations where component doesn't do that. For example Seq(uri("$WEB_HOST")) will check that a endpoint named "web" will be checked given its host environment var. Once that URL becomes available then ConductR will be signalled that the bundle is ready. Note that a docker+ prefix should be used when waiting on Docker components so that the Docker build event is waited on e.g. Seq(uri("docker+$WEB_HOST"))
Optional params are: 'retry-count': Number of retries, 'retry-delay': Delay in seconds between retries, 'docker-timeout': Timeout in seconds for docker container start. For example: Seq(uri("$WEB_HOST?retry-count=5&retry-delay=2")).
compatibilityVersion A versioning scheme that will be included in a bundle's name that describes the level of compatibility with bundles that go before it. By default we take the major version component of a version as defined by [http://semver.org/]. However you can make this mean anything that you need it to mean in relation to bundles produced prior to it. We take the notion of a compatibility version from [http://ometer.com/parallel.html]."
configurationName The name of the directory of the additional configuration to use. Defaults to 'default'
diskSpace The amount of disk space required to host an expanded bundle and configuration. Append the letter k or K to indicate kilobytes, or m or M to indicate megabytes. Required.
endpoints Declares endpoints using an Endpoint(protocol, bindPort, services) structure. The default is Map("web" -> Endpoint("http", services = Set(URI(s"http://:9000")))) where the key is the name of this project. The "web" key is used to form a set of environment variables for your components. For example you will have a WEB_BIND_PORT in this example.
overrideEndpoints Overrides the endpoints settings key with new endpoints. This task should be used if the endpoints need to be specified programmatically. The default is None.
executableScriptPath The relative path of the executableScript within the bundle.
memory The amount of memory required to run the bundle.
nrOfCpus The number of cpus required to run the bundle (can be fractions thereby expressing a portion of CPU). Required.
roles The types of node in the cluster that this bundle can be deployed to. Defaults to "web".
startCommand Command line args required to start the component. Paths are expressed relative to the component's bin folder. The default is to use the bash script in the bin folder.
Example JVM component:
BundleKeys.startCommand += "-Dhttp.address=$WEB_BIND_IP -Dhttp.port=$WEB_BIND_PORT"
Example Docker component (should additional args be required):
BundleKeys.startCommand += "dockerArgs -v /var/lib/postgresql/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data" (this adds arguments to docker run). Note that memory heap is controlled by the memory BundleKey and heap flags should not be passed here.
system A logical name that can be used to associate multiple bundles with each other. This could be an application or service association and should include a version e.g. myapp-1.0.0. Defaults to the package name.
systemVersion A version to associate with a system. This setting defaults to the value of compatibilityVersion.

© Typesafe Inc., 2014-2015