
FindBugs static analysis plugin for sbt.

Primary LanguageScalaEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0

sbt-findbugs - Static code analysis via FindBugs from within sbt

Build Status Codacy Grade SBT 0.13 version SBT 1.0 version

This sbt plug-in enables you to analyze your (Java) code with the help of the great FindBugs tool. It defines a findbugs sbt action for that purpose.

Install the plugin by adding the following to project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("com.github.sbt" % "sbt-findbugs" % "<version>")

And then run the plugin with sbt findbugs. This will generate a FindBugs report in target/scala-xx/findugs/report.xml.

Defining exclude/include filters

Defining filters inline

Just use Scala inline XML for the setting, for example:

findbugsIncludeFilters := Some(<FindBugsFilter>
    <Class name="de.johoop.Meep" />

Using filter files

You can also read the filter settings from files in a more conventional way:

findbugsIncludeFilters := Some(baseDirectory.value / "findbugs-include-filters.xml")

Or, when your configuration is zipped and previously published to a local repo:

findbugsIncludeFilters := {
  val configFiles = update.value.select(module = moduleFilter(name = "velvetant-sonar"))
  val configFile = configFiles.headOption flatMap { zippedFile =>
    IO.unzip(zippedFile, target.value / "rules") find (_.name contains "velvetant-sonar-findbugs.xml")

  configFile map scala.xml.XML.loadFile orElse sys.error("unable to find config file in update report")


(see also the FindBugs documentation)


  • Description: Optionally selects the output format for the FindBugs report.
  • Accepts: Some(FindbugsReportType.{Xml, Html, PlainHtml, FancyHtml, FancyHistHtml, Emacs, Xdoc})
  • Default: Some(FindbugsReportType.Xml)


  • Description: Target path of the report file to generate (optional).
  • Accepts: any legal file path
  • Default: Some(crossTarget.value / "findbugs" / "report.xml")


  • Description: Suppress reporting of bugs based on priority.
  • Accepts: FindbugsPriority.{Relaxed, Low, Medium, High}
  • Default: FindbugsPriority.Medium


  • Description: Decide how much effort to put into analysis.
  • Accepts: FindbugsEffort.{Minimum, Default, Maximum}
  • Default: FindbugsEffort.Default


  • Description: Optionally, define which packages/classes should be analyzed.
  • Accepts: An option containing a List[String] of packages and classes.
  • Default: None (meaning: analyze everything).


  • Description: Maximum amount of memory to allow for FindBugs (in MB).
  • Accepts: any reasonable amount of memory as an integer value
  • Default: 1024


  • Description: Whether FindBugs should analyze nested archives or not.
  • Accepts: true and false
  • Default: true


  • Description: Whether the reported bug instances should be sorted by class name or not.
  • Accepts: true and false
  • Default: false


  • Description: Optional filter file XML content defining which bug instances to include in the static analysis.
  • Accepts: None and Option[Node]
  • Default: None (no include filters).


  • Description: Optional filter file XML content defining which bug instances to exclude in the static analysis.
  • Accepts: None and Some[Node]
  • Default: None (no exclude filters).


  • Description: The path to the classes to be analyzed.
  • Accepts: any sbt.Path
  • Default: Seq(classDirectory in Compile value)


Thanks to @asflierl and @anishathalye for their contributions!


Copyright (c) Joachim Hofer & contributors

All rights reserved.

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html