
missing jar for one sbt module

yanns opened this issue · 1 comments

yanns commented

Expected behaviour

Given the build.sbt:

lazy val core = (project in file("modules/core"))
    name := "Reference Expansion Prototype",

lazy val sphere = (project in file("modules/sphere"))
    libraryDependencies += sphereJson

lazy val root = (project in file("."))
  .aggregate(core, sphere)
  .dependsOn(core, sphere)
    name := "Reference Expansion Prototype"

When I use stage, inside target/universal/stage/lib/, I can find the jar file for the root project, the jar file for the sphere project. But I cannot find any jar file for the core project.

This is very strange. I cannot find why.
A clean does not help.


  • sbt-native-packager 1.9.11
  • sbt version 1.8.0
  • build system: MacOS
  • package: JavaAppPackaging
  • target system: jar
yanns commented

I found the issue.
As the core and the root modules have the same name, they both produce the same jar file.