- 3
- 3
Windows start script interprets commas (`,`) and splits arguments where it should just pass them to the application
#1650 opened by mpollmeier - 1
How to configure WatchDog in systemd?
#1654 opened by tpsaitwal - 3
Let's rename master branch to main
#1645 opened by eed3si9n - 13
Add sbt 2.0 crossbuilds
#1638 opened by BillyAutrey - 0
- 1
plugin load failed with Scala 3
#1561 opened by doofin - 1
how to add compileOrder to do the packaging.
#1631 opened by macinux - 3
Cannot set --add-opens jvm setting
#1604 opened by Matzz - 1
- 5
`sbt ghpagesPushSite` failed for the 1.10.0 release
#1597 opened by mkurz - 0
GraalVMNativeImagePlugin build in docker container should relabel volume mount for target directory
#1617 opened by esamson - 0
installation for recent <version> is failing
#1613 opened by fommil - 0
Graalvm plugin documentation is not correct
#1609 opened by jaroslawZawila - 5
Getting started description is outdated
#1551 opened by Mikhail42 - 0
JavaServerAppPackaging sometimes ignores javaOptions.
#1607 opened by nsutcliffe - 0
Support for running GrallVM native agent
#1606 opened by exoego - 0
The bash script for Ubuntu doesn't seem to have include a given java-home
#1601 opened by luukjansen - 44
No releases for v1.9.17 or v1.9.18 tags
#1555 opened by stevedlawrence - 2
ARM architecture support
#1558 opened by Tochemey - 1
dockerBuildInit doesn't work
#1545 opened by JMdoubleU - 1
sbt docker:publishLocal logs build info as error
#1554 opened by joesan - 1
Option to enable Docker buildkit
#1518 opened by jroper - 4
sbt-native-packager fails with dpkg-deb error
#1569 opened by luukjansen - 2
Let scala-steward visit that repo?
#1568 opened by mkurz - 4
- 0
- 0
Support for Podman as Docker alternative
#1552 opened by drenizg - 2
Changes Not Being Propagated to Image
#1550 opened by AlexWeinstein92 - 0
- 4
Packages are not available
#1541 opened by KannarFr - 0
Multiplatform builds do not always use buildx
#1548 opened by jgulotta - 7
dockerBuildInit doesn't work
#1505 opened by TimWSpence - 1
- 1
MacOS .pkg application do not start after installing. "Extensions" file missing from app bundle
#1531 opened by lRaulMN7 - 2
- 1
How to get dynamic jar files into docker
#1538 opened by andrewhibbert - 2
Will potential removal of custom (i.e. not compile/test) in sbt have adverse effect for sbt-native-packager
#1539 opened by mdedetrich - 1
Empty directory not present in .zip
#1524 opened by tomas-surovec-collibra - 2
AshScriptPlugin generates script without function
#1523 opened by sanyer - 3
sbt-native-packager using 2.x of scala-xml which is incompatible with scala 2.12 and sbt
#1517 opened by griffhun - 0
Duplicate identifiers for generated application scripts in WiX when JDKPackagerPlugin enabled
#1529 opened by Facsimiler - 5
Upgrade commons-compress version
#1515 opened by headiron - 1
missing jar for one sbt module
#1530 opened by yanns - 6
Unable to use the plugin - Error downloading com.typesafe.sbt:sbt-native-packager;sbtVersion=1.0;scalaVersion=2.12:1.9.4
#1526 opened by OndrejSpanel - 6
Update to scala-xml 2
#1513 opened by kryptt - 1
- 1
Any solutions for Shading dependencies?
#1511 opened by kell18 - 25
`exec: line 1: /opt/docker/jre/bin/java: not found` when trying to use docker image build with jlink
#1506 opened by Christewart - 2