MacOS .pkg application do not start after installing. "Extensions" file missing from app bundle
lRaulMN7 opened this issue · 1 comments
Hello! I've been trying to create a .pkg that I can forward to other mac users to use my application.
This is my current build.sbt
val scala3Version = "3.2.1"
Compile / mainClass := Some("com.myname.desktop.QaInterface")
Compile / discoveredMainClasses := Seq()
jdkPackagerType := "pkg"
name := "QaInterface"
maintainer := "myname"
packageSummary := "test"
packageDescription := "testing"
version := "0.1.3-SNAPSHOT"
jdkPackagerProperties := Map("" -> name.value, "app.version" -> version.value)
jdkPackagerAppArgs := Seq(maintainer.value, packageSummary.value, packageDescription.value)
ThisBuild / assemblyMergeStrategy := {
case PathList("META-INF", _*) => MergeStrategy.discard
case _ => MergeStrategy.first
lazy val root = project
name := "QaInterface",
version := "0.1.3-SNAPSHOT",
assembly / mainClass := Some("com.myname.desktop.QaInterface"),
scalaVersion := scala3Version,
libraryDependencies += "org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-xml" % "2.1.0",
libraryDependencies += "org.scalafx" %% "scalafx" % "18.0.2-R29"
QaInterface looks like this:
object QaInterface extends JFXApp3{
override def start(): Unit = {
stage = new PrimaryStage {
title = "QaInterface - "
width = 650
height = 450
scene = new Scene {
fill = Black
This works when I run it from the script, jar file, running from IntelliJ, but when trying to do a pkg using
sbt jdkPackager:packageBin
After successfully installing the app using the installer, when I execute it, it crashes, reporting the following error in the macos console:
Non-fatal error enumerating at <private>, continuing: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “Extensions” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." UserInfo={NSURL=Extensions/ -- file:///Applications/, NSFilePath=/Applications/, NSUnderlyingError=0x7fe0a7f09f30 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
I'm completely lost because I'm not doing any references to an "Extensions" folder in my code and also the documentation of jdkpackager withing sbt-native-packager doesn't mention it. Does anybody have an idea of why this could be happening? I've been researching, and this "Extension" file is not supposed to exist in the app bundle, right?
Using addSbtPlugin("com.github.sbt" % "sbt-native-packager" % "1.9.9")
% sbt -version
sbt version in this project: 1.8.0
sbt script version: 1.8.0
MacOs Ventura 13.0.1