
Changes Not Being Propagated to Image

AlexWeinstein92 opened this issue · 2 comments

Expected behaviour

sbt "docker / publishLocal" should produce an image that has the changes I've made reflected in its responses.

Actual behaviour

Although I have commented out the following in a trait which I am no longer even using in my only Impl that is created in Main, EntityOne appears in my logs

//logRequestResult("EntityOne") {
//  pathPrefix("entityOne") {
//      ...
//  }

the logs looks something like:

20:28:56.128 [] DEBUG -- EntityOne: Response for
  Request : [REDACTED}
  Response: Rejected(List())
20:28:56.128 [] DEBUG -- EntityTwo: Response for
  Request : [REDACTED}
  Response: Rejected(List())

I have also added a new EntityThree trait that also uses logRequestResult, and this one does not show up in my image's responses even though it has been added to Main. I have a gatling suite that is trying to hit routes on EntityThree but no matter what I get these rejection responses where no EntityThree appears in the logs.

I have rebuilt this image about 15 times in the last work day, trying different way to get it into my kubernetes (microk8s) local pod to make sure it was really the new image that was at fault. Today I also tried using curl directly from a Docker container of the new image to itself and got the same rejected response logs repeatedly. I have tried cleaning all target folders, and other things like that to make sure there is no caching issue, but still no luck.


  • What sbt-native-packager are you using - 1.9.16
  • What sbt version - 1.9.3
  • What is your build system (e.g. Ubuntu, MacOS, Windows, Debian ) - Macbook Pro 2021 (M1)
  • What package are you building (e.g. docker, rpm, ...) - docker
  • What version has your build tool (find out with e.g. rpm --version) - not sure
  • What is your target system (e.g. Ubuntu 16.04, CentOS 7) - local

This was really an error with how I was importing images. Closed.

Thanks for tidying up your issue ❤️🙏