
Six Day Intro Course

Primary LanguagePython

Intro to Programming

Distance Learners: Please read this document before starting class.

Syllabus Overview

While we don't expect you to complete all the advance versions of the labs, we expect you to give it a try and ask questions if you're stuck.

Unit Concepts Labs Video
Unit 00 Software Install Lab 0
Unit 01 comments, variables, print(), fstrings, Strings, concatentate, input() Lab 1, 2 video
Unit 02 Lists, Random module, integers, operators, conditional statements (if/else) Lab 3, 4 video
Unit 03 loops: while, break, else, for each, for x in range(), continue Lab 5, 6 video
Unit 04 Review of Units 1-3, String Module Lab 7, 8 video
Unit 05 Dictionaries, Functions Lab 12 video
Unit 06 built-in functions, string methods, list methods, functions (review) Lab 10 video

Quick Links

Below is a list of helpful links.

Resource Link Comment
W3 Schools W3Schools Useful resource for learning python
Live stream Twich Only when class is in session
Class Chatroom Slack for enrolled Intro students only. directions on how to use slack
Terminal Cheatsheet Google Sheets Command Prompt/Terminal/Powershell
VS Code Keyboard ShortCuts For Windows
VS Code Keyboard ShortCuts For macOS
Python Tutor Python Tutor online debugging tool
Stuck? Debugging Errors Guide
Online Code Editor Repl cloud based editor and interpreter
Compare two code snippets DiffChecker great tool to compare 2 files of code side by side
Learning Resources Guide
Future Intro Classes Eventbrite

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