
Metis: File System Model Checking via Versatile Input and State Exploration (FAST '24)

Primary LanguageCApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Metis: File System Model Checking via Versatile Input and State Exploration

This is the artifact for the FAST '24 paper "Metis: File System Model Checking via Versatile Input and State Exploration". Metis is a differential-testing based model-checking framework designed for versatile, thorough, yet configurable file system testing in the form of input and state exploration. Metis can find bugs in file systems with support of fast bug reproduction and debugging.

Metis was formerly known as MCFS (Model Checking File Systems).

Table of Content

  1. Setup Metis and RefFS
    1. OS ane Kernel Version
    2. Prerequisites and Required Artifacts
  2. FAST24 Artifact Evaluation
    1. Machines
    2. Kick-the-Tires - System Configuration and Test Run
      1. Installation of dependencies
      2. Simple Metis run to check Ext2 with Ext4
      3. Set up RefFS
      4. Using Metis replayer
      5. Swarm Verification with single machine
    3. Reproduction of Experimental Results
      1. Test Input Coverage (Figure 3, 4, 5)
      2. Metis Performance and Scalability (Figure 6)
      3. RefFS Performance and Reliability (Figure 7)
      4. Bug Finding
    4. Troubleshooting
      1. Error message: ramdisk device issue
      2. Cannot compile RefFS and lack of MCFS header files
  3. Major Components
    1. driver-fs-state
    2. fs-state
    3. fs_bugs
    4. kernel
    5. scripts
    6. other folders
  4. Citation
  5. Contact

Setup Metis and RefFS

OS ane Kernel Verison

We tested Metis on Ubuntu 22.04 and Ubuntu 20.04 with Linux kernel versions specified in ./kernel (i.e., 4.4, 4.15, 5.4, 5.15.0, 5.19.7, 6.0.6, 6.2.12, 6.3.0, and 6.6.1). We cannot guarantee the functionality and usability on other Ubuntu or Linux kernel versions.

Prerequisites and Required Artifacts

Metis is built on the top of the SPIN model checker and Swarm Verification. Metis relies on a reference file system to check a file system under test, and we use RefFS or Ext4 as the reference file system. Other file systems can also serve as the reference file systems. Below shows the repositories/artifacts required by Metis:

RefFS: https://github.com/sbu-fsl/RefFS
IOCov (tool to compute input coverage for file system testing): https://github.com/sbu-fsl/IOCov
fsl-spin (modified version of SPIN): https://github.com/sbu-fsl/fsl-spin
swarm-mcfs (modified version of Swarm): https://github.com/sbu-fsl/swarm-mcfs

Note that we must use fsl-spin for the SPIN model checker for Metis and swarm-mcfs for the Swarm Verification tool, and the vanilla SPIN/Swarm cannot work with Metis. Please check out each repository for respective documentation. A number of general libraries and tools are also required. Please see script/setup-deps.sh for details.

To run IOCov, a few Python packages are required. Please run the following command to install them (using Python 3 and pip3 as an example):

sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install numpy scipy matplotlib

FAST24 Artifact Evaluation

Thank you for evaluating our artifact. We have provided a set of machines, scripts, and instructions to help you set up Metis/RefFS and reproduce our experimental results. If you encounter any issues, please feel free to contact us via HotCRP messages. We will respond to your questions as soon as possible and definitely in 24 hours.


IMPORTANT TO AE REVIEWERS: Please message us as soon as possible with your ssh public keys, so you can use the machines from Chameleon Cloud we prepared for you. Thanks.

We have provided bare metal Ubuntu machines from Chameleon Cloud for AE reviewers. We assume there are 3 reviewers. Each reviewer has a dedicated machine, and there are three other machines for shared use.

The default username for the machines is cc. Those machines are listed below:

Hostname Users Public IP Ubuntu/Kernel Usage
Metis-inst-FAST24-AE1-U22 Reviewer 1 U22, v5.15.0 Main Metis/RefFS server
Metis-inst-FAST24-AE2-U22 Reviewer 2 U22, v5.15.0 Main Metis/RefFS server
Metis-inst-FAST24-AE3-U22 Reviewer 3 U22, v5.15.0 Main Metis/RefFS server
Metis-AE1-Swarm1 All reviewers U22, v5.15.0 Metis Swarm client 1
Metis-AE1-Swarm2 All reviewers U22, v5.15.0 Metis Swarm client 2
Metis-AE1-U20 All reviewers U20, v5.4.0 Older kernel for bug finding
Metis-AE1-newkernel-U22 All reviewers U22, v6.6.8 Newer kernel for bug fix

We recommend you reviewers to coordinate with each other to use the shared machines in a time-share fashion. The experiments on shared machines (i.e., Metis with distributed Swarm and bug finding) should not be run with multiple Metis processes on the same machine. If you want to have your dedicated machine for all the experiments, please let us know and we will try to provide.

Note that some experiments can take a long time. We recommend you to run experiments under tmux or screen so that you can detach the terminal without interrupting any running long experiment. I configured tmux using my own config file. Feel free to choose another one as you like.

Kick-the-Tires - System Configuration and Test Run

Installation of dependencies

We have configured the necessary environments on the machines provided to AEC members, so you don't need to set up environment by yourself.
If you really want to set up the Metis environment on by yourself (e.g., on your own machines), after setting up ssh keys with Github, you can clone our repo:

git clone git@github.com:sbu-fsl/Metis.git

Next, you need to use our setup-deps.sh bootstrap script (without sudo) to install all the dependencies including necessary libraries/tools and the modified version of SPIN/Swarm:

cd ~/Metis/scripts

Then, you need to install Metis libraries by running make && make install on the root directory of Metis, which is required by RefFS:

cd ~/Metis # your Metis root directory
make install

Finally, you can install RefFS by following commands:

cd ~
git clone git@github.com:sbu-fsl/RefFS.git
cd RefFS

Using mount | grep mnt, you will see RefFS (aka. VeriFS2) is mounted on /mnt/test-verifs2. You can unmount it by sudo umount /mnt/test-verifs2. We will use RefFS as the reference file system in some experiments.

Simple Metis run to check Ext2 with Ext4

You can run Metis with single verification task (VT) by the setup.sh script in ./fs-state. Before executing setup.sh, you need to ensure the test devices for file systems are already created, and their device types/sizes are matching with the arguments provided to setup.sh. We have provided the script (single_ext2.sh) to run a simple Ext4 vs. Ext2 experiment in Metis where Ext4 serves as the reference file system and Ext2 is the file system under test. To perform this test, run the following commands:

cd ~/Metis/fs-state/mcfs_scripts/
sudo ./single_ext2.sh

This script will clean up resources, create filesystem devices, and run Metis with Ext4 vs. Ext2. Note that this experiment will be continuously running until it encounters a discrepancy (i.e., potential bug) between two file systems. This experiment is only for demonstration purpose. It will be unlikely to have a discrepancy between Ext4 and Ext2 in a short time, and waiting this experiment till Metis ends will take weeks! You can run fs-state/stop.sh to abort the program half-way (which we highly recommend for this demo) or press Ctrl+C to stop Metis (less recommended, as some resources are still not freed, e.g., mounted file systems, devices).

In another shell session, do:

cd ~/Metis/fs-state/
sudo ./stop.sh

After aborting Metis, you can see the logs saved under the fs-state folder to view the model-checking results and performance metrics. Metis logs serve as a critical role to identify, analyze and replay bugs. While the model checker is running or terminated, the standard output is redirected to output-pan*.log and the standard error is redirect to error-pan*.log. output-pan*.log records the timestamps, operations that have been performed, as well as the arguments and results of each operation, and output abstract state. error-pan*.log logs the discrepancies in behavior among the tested file systems that the model checker has encountered. error-pan*.log is supposed to be empty if no discrepancy found. There will also be a sequence-pan-*.log that records the sequence of file system operations/arguments that have been performed by model checker in a easy-to-parse format.

We have a log rotation mechanism to compress logs that are greater than 1GB and save them as .log.gz files to conserve disk space. The sequence logs are intended for the replayer to replay operations and reproduce any potential bug. Performance metrics are logged in perf-pan*.csv files. The first column is the timestamp in seconds, and the second column is the number of file system operations performed, and the third column is the number of unique abstract states visited by Metis. You can see format number1-number2-number3 as the suffix of log filenames, where the number1 is timestamp for year, month, days, number2 is timestamp for hours, minutes, seconds, and number3 is the pid of the Metis process (aka. pan). If you want to delete all those logs, you can run sudo make clean under the fs-state folder.

Set up RefFS

We also created a new RefFS as Metis's reference file system. Please refer to the RefFS repository and its README regarding the installation and mount of RefFS. Before using RefFS, make sure RefFS is installed and can be mounted.

You can run RefFS vs. Ext4 by running the single_verifs2.sh script:

cd ~/Metis/fs-state/mcfs_scripts/
sudo ./single_verifs2.sh

Again, this experiment can take a very long time to complete (weeks or months), so you can abort it half-way via running fs-state/stop.sh or Ctrl+C. The experimental logs of RefFS vs. Ext4 should appear in the fs-state folder. Also, the log file names show the timestamp and pid of the experiment, and you will see both file systems have the same abstract state (MD5 hash) and returns/error codes after each operation.

Using Metis replayer

After each experiment, we can use replayer to replay the exact sequence of operations to debug/reproduce the discrepancy/bug or obtain any intermediate file system state during a Metis run. The Metis replayer parses the sequence-pan*.log line by line, reads the operations/arguments, and performs the exact operations (including state save/restore) on single or both file systems (specified by the replayer argument list).
Let's use a previous Ext4 vs. Ext2 example to demonstrate Metis's replayer:

cd ~/Metis/fs-state/
sudo make clean # clear all previous logs and object files
cd ~/Metis/fs-state/mcfs_scripts/
sudo ./single_ext2.sh 

Then we abort the Metis process by Ctrl-C or running script sudo ./stop.sh after some time (10 minutes). We recommend to use stop.sh because we also need to unmount all the file systems used by Metis. Using Ctrl-C needs to manually unmount all the test file systems (i.e., umount /mnt/test-* or umount /dev/ram*). After that, we can get a sequence log file and a dump_prepopulate log file in the fs-state folder. We use sequence-pan-20231214-014909-2031206.log and dump_prepopulate_0.log as an example, and please replace the log file names with your own log files.

We need to ensure that test devices are created with the correct device types/sizes. For Ext4 vs. Ext2, you can run loadmods.sh in the fs-state to create desired ramdisks. To use the replayer, we should first open the fs-state/replay.c file, edit line 40 and line 46 to reflect the log file names generated from a previous experiment that we want to replay (esp. the sequence file name, dump_prepopulate_0.log should be the same for every experiment). Therefore, the replayer can use the correct log files to replay. After editing the replay.c file, we can compile the replayer by:

cd ~/Metis/fs-state/
# Open and edit replay.c first (e.g., sudo vim replay.c)
# Make sure the log file names are correct and those files exist
# Compile the replayer everytime we change the replay.c file
sudo make replayer
# Load ramdisk devices for replaying Ext4 vs. Ext2
sudo ./loadmods.sh

We will get a replay binary executable. We will run replayer with the following command. The argument list shows VTid:FS1:SIZE1:FS2:SIZE2.

sudo ./replay -K 0:ext4:256:ext2:256

The execution of file system operations will be printed on the console.

Swarm Verification with single machine

Above experiments use one Metis process only, but Metis can run multiple processes (i.e., verification tasks or VTs) in parallel by virtue of Swarm Verification. To support Swarm, we use a configuration file fs-state/swarm.lib to specify necessary parameters (e.g., number of VTs). You can find the detailed description of the configuration file via the Swarm README.

To run a quick Metis experiment with Swarm for Ext4 vs. Ext2, please copy the swarm-single-node.lib to override swarm.lib, set up devices, run the fs-state/setup_swarm.sh with proper arguments, and finally run the generated mcfs-main.pml.swarm script.

cd ~/Metis/fs-state/
# Use proper swarm.lib configuration file
yes | sudo sh -c 'cp -f swarm-single-node.lib swarm.lib'
# Clean up all previous logs and object files as running Metis with Swarm can produce many logs
sudo make clean
# Unmount file systems if rmmod brd failed
sudo umount /dev/ram*
# Remove all ramdisk devices
sudo rmmod brd
# Reload ramdisk devices for Ext4 vs. Ext2 with Swarm 
sudo ./loadmods.sh
# Test Ext4 vs. Ext2 with 6 VTs
sudo ./setup_swarm.sh -f ext4:256:ext2:256 -n 6
# Run the final swarm driver
sudo ./mcfs-main.pml.swarm 

This will produce multiple VTs (pan), and each VT explores a different portion of the state space by various diversification techniques. Make sure the number of VTs should be equal or fewer than the number of total CPU cores. Every VT is independent and will produce its own logs. Like single-VT Metis run, this experiment can last a very long time. Please feel free to use stop.sh to stop all Metis Swarm VTs. A more detailed document of Metis with Swarm Verification can be found at here. Metis can also run VTs on multiple machines where each machine runs multiple VTs. This is part of our evaluation results and can be found at Metis Performance and Scalability.

Reproduction of Experimental Results

This section shows how to reproduce the experimental results in our paper. We provided scripts (in Metis/ae-experiments) and instructions to run experiments and collect data. Please let us know if you encounter any issues. We will response to you ASAP.

Test Input Coverage (Figure 3, 4, 5)

Input coverage is a metric to measure the coverage of file system inputs (syscalls' arguments). The arguments from file system syscalls are categorized into different types including identifiers, bitmaps, numeric arguments, and categorical arguments. We used different methods to partition different types of file system test inputs. Please refer to our paper for details.

Metis can log its syscalls and arguments into output and sequence logs, but raw syscalls and arguments are not enough to compute input coverage. We need to parse the logs to partition the inputs (syscalls and their arguments). To achieve this and support input coverage computation for a wide range of file system testing, we developed a tool called IOCov (see our HotStorage '23 paper for details). IOCov can read and parse Metis logs and obtain input coverage just like we presented in this paper (Figure 3-5). To use IOCov and our scripts, please put the IOCov folder and the Metis folder under the same directory.
For example, you can run the following commands to clone IOCov:

cd ~
# Metis should also be under the same directory
git clone git@github.com:sbu-fsl/IOCov.git

Therefore, the relative paths in our scripts can work. Please install following Python packages for IOCov:

sudo apt-get install python3-pip
# Don't forget the sudo before pip3 because all the scripts we run are under sudo
sudo pip3 install numpy scipy matplotlib
Figure 3 Input Coverage open flags 40 minutes

This experiment runs three different cases of Metis's input coverage for open flags: Metis-Uniform, Metis-RSD, and Metis-IRSD, as we showed in the Figure 3. For each ease, we recompile Metis with different values of the marco MY_OPEN_FLAG_PATTERN, run Metis to test Ext4 only, abort Metis after 40 minutes, and call IOCov to compute input coverage of the Metis run based on its sequence log. Each case will take 40 minutes to complete, so this script will take about 2 hours to complete.

cd ~/Metis/ae-experiments
sudo ./figure-3-exp.sh

After the script finishes, you can view the input coverage results in ~/IOCov/MCFS/. You should be able to see three .pkl files and three .json files. Json files reflect the same content as pkl files but in a human-readable format.
These three json files (sorted by timestamp or filename) are corresponding to the three cases of Metis's input coverage: Metis-Uniform, Metis-RSD, and Metis-IRSD. You can read our paper to understand the definitions of these three cases. For example, the oldest json file is for Metis-Uniform and the newest json file is for Metis-IRSD. This is an example of my previous outputs (sorted by timestamp or filename):

~/IOCov/MCFS/input-cov-mcfs-20231223-031808-1471509.json --> Metis-Uniform
~/IOCov/MCFS/input-cov-mcfs-20231223-035811-1497210.json --> Metis-RSD
~/IOCov/MCFS/input-cov-mcfs-20231223-043814-1523714.json --> Metis-IRSD

You can view open json files and see the K-V pairs of "open" and "flags". The values should be matching with the Figure 3 in our paper. Note that O_ACCMODE flag is not included in the figure, because this flag is set by two bits (O_WRONLY and O_RDWR) in the open syscall. Therefore, you can ignore this flag in the json files.

Feel free to run sudo ./cleanup-iocov.sh to clean up all the IOCov logs if you don't want to have too many IOCov results.

Figure 4 Input Coverage write sizes 40 minutes

This experiment runs three different cases of Metis's input coverage for write sizes: Metis-Uniform, Metis-XD, and Metis-IXD. The write sizes are the sizes of data to be written from the buffer (i.e., the count argument in the write syscall). Because there are too many values of write size can be used, we partition the input space of write sizes by the powers of 2 numbers (e.g., 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc.). Please refer to our paper and our previous HotStorage '23 paper for details.

Similarly, the figure 4 experiment runs Metis to test Ext4 only, for 40 minutes. Each case uses a different value of the marco MY_WRITE_SIZE_PATTERN to recompile Metis. This script will take about 2 hours to complete. Again, please make sure the required Python packages are properly installed, otherwise figures cannot be plotted.

cd ~/Metis/ae-experiments
sudo ./figure-4-exp.sh

Different from the Figure 3 experiment, this script not only produces json/pkl files but also creates figures to show the input coverage distribution of each case. The figures are saved in both ~/Metis/ae-experiments and ~/IOCov/MCFS. You should be able to see following figures in PDF:

metis-write-size-Metis-Uniform-40m.pdf # Metis-Uniform
metis-write-size-Metis-XD-40m.pdf      # Metis-XD
metis-write-size-Metis-IXD-40m.pdf     # Metis-IXD

You can compare these figures to the figure 4 in the paper. Metis-Uniform indicates every partition of write size has the same probability to be chosen. Metis-XD prioritizes testing smaller sizes more often, and Metis-IXD emphasizes the inverse: testing input partitions with larger write sizes. Note that the input coverage in Metis is probabilistic, so you may not get the exact same figures as the paper (trend should be similar though). As the runtime of Metis increases, the input coverage will be more accurate. We show a 4-hour Metis experiment for write sizes of the same three cases in the next section, which should be more accurate than the 40-minute experiment, so you can see the distributions more clearly.

Figure 5 Input Coverage write sizes 4 hours

Figure 5 shows the input coverage of write sizes, each for a 4-hour Metis run. This experiment is similar to the Figure 4 experiment, but with a different time length. The script will last 12 hours to complete. Likewise, you can run the following commands to reproduce the Figure 5 experiment:

cd ~/Metis/ae-experiments
sudo ./figure-5-exp.sh

This script will produce three figures in PDF format:

metis-write-size-Metis-Uniform-240m.pdf # Metis-Uniform
metis-write-size-Metis-XD-240m.pdf      # Metis-XD
metis-write-size-Metis-IXD-240m.pdf     # Metis-IXD

You can compare these figures to the figure 5 in the paper.

Metis Performance and Scalability (Figure 6)

This section shows the performance and scalability of Metis using Swarm Verification on multiple machines. Basically, we need to specify a "master" machine to run the Metis Swarm driver and generate Swarm scripts for each "client" machine. The "master" machine must be able to connect with all the "client" machines via ssh keys without password. We have already configured the Chameleon Cloud machines with proper connections between "master" and "client" machines. If you want to set up ssh connections by yourself, you can add ssh public keys of your machines (both root and cc users) to authorized_keys file of your Swarm client machines: metis-ae1-swarm1 and metis-ae1-swarm2. Among the machines we provided, your dedicated Metis-inst-FAST24-AE*-U22 machine should be the "master" which runs the Swarm driver. The other two Metis-AE1-Swarm* machines should be the shared "client" machines. You don't need to do anything on the client machines except ensuring that there is no other person using the "clients" as all the execution on "clients" will be handled by the "master" remotely via ssh/scp.

We replicate the Figure 6 experiment in our paper: Metis with Swarm on 3 machines (1 master and 2 clients), and each machine runs 6 VTs to test Ext4 vs. Ext2. We provided a Swarm config file fs-state/swarm-fast24ae.lib. Please make sure the hostname of client machines is correctly specified in the line 20 of swarm-fast24ae.lib in all lowercase. Before running Swarm experiment, you need to login to the "client" machines and run cd ~/Metis/fs-state && sudo ./loadmods.sh to load devices, and you may need to use stop.sh or sudo rmmod brd as needed. You should also clean up all the previous logs via cd ~ && make clean, because later we want to use the logs generated from only your Swarm experiment, for analysis. The cleanup and device loading commands are showed as follows.

On the master machine:

cd ~/Metis/fs-state
sudo ./stop.sh
# Run stop.sh twice to make sure all devices are unmounted
sudo ./stop.sh
sudo make clean
sudo rm *.log.gz
# Optional: for removing and loading ramdisks
sudo rmmod brd
sudo ./loadmods.sh
# Optional: clear previous Metis Swarm analysis CSV results
cd ~/Metis/scripts/multi_machines_analysis
rm time-absfs-*.csv results-*.csv

On the two shared client machines:

cd ~
sudo ./stop.sh
# Run stop.sh twice to make sure all devices are unmounted
sudo ./stop.sh
sudo make clean
sudo rm *.log.gz
# Optional: for removing and loading ramdisks
sudo rmmod brd
sudo ./loadmods.sh
# Optional: clear previous Metis Swarm analysis CSV results
cd ~/Metis/scripts/multi_machines_analysis
rm time-absfs-*.csv 

You can run the following commands to reproduce the Figure 6 experiment on the three machines. The figure-6-exp.sh script creates devices on the "master" machine, override the swarm config file, sets up Metis swarm environment, and generate and execute a monolithic Swarm script mcfs-main.pml.swarm to run VTs on both "master" and "client" machines.

cd ~/Metis/ae-experiments
sudo ./figure-6-exp.sh

After starting figure-6-exp.sh, your current terminal on the "master" will be blocked by the running Metis processes. Concurrently, the master machine sends necessary files to all clients, and each client will compile VTs, produce small scripts, and execute Metis with different combination of VTs and options. Ideally, you should see six pan* running processes (you can check via ps or htop) on every master/client machine. If they are properly running, you can see multiple groups of logs on /home/cc/Metis/fs-state of the master machine and /home/cc of the client machines. By the file names, you can see which VT (pan) these logs come from. We will later use these logs to obtain performance metrics and overlapping rate shown in our paper, so please do not delete these logs until you complete the post-Swarm analysis.

We ran 13 hours Metis with Swarm in figure 6, so we set default experimental time length in figure-6-exp.sh as 13 hours as well (determined by TERMTIME). After 13 hours, the figure-6-exp.sh script will terminate all VTs from all machines. To obtain the performance numbers in figure 5, we need to do post-experiment analysis via figure-6-analysis.sh. This script requires rename utility installed on the master machine:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install rename

The figure-6-analysis.sh script includes five steps: 1) decompressing all output logs, 2) extracting abstract states with timestamps as CSV from output logs, 3) copying extracted abstract states from client machines to the master (saved in ~/Metis/scripts/multi_machines_analysis), 4) renaming abstract states CSV files for easier analysis, and 5) performing analysis to calculate number of operations/unique states per hour and overlapping ratio of abstract states between VTs.

Then, you can run figure-6-analysis.sh on your master machine:

# On the master machine, clear previous analysis CSV files
cd ~/Metis/scripts/multi_machines_analysis
rm *.csv
# On the master machine, run the script to perform collective analysis for all machines 
cd ~/Metis/ae-experiments

Once done, you can view the results-VT18-13hours.csv file for figure 6results in the ~/Metis/scripts/multi_machines_analysis folder:

  • Column 1 time_secs: accumulated timestamp in seconds, each line shows a new hour
  • Column 2 total_all_states: the number of file system operations (figure 6 (a))
  • Column 3 total_unique_states: the number of unique file system abstract state (figure 6 (b))
  • Column 4 partial_overlap: the number of abstract states visited by more than one VT (overlapping states)
  • Column 5 partial_waste_ratio: the ratio of overlapping states to total states

Below is an example output of the result CSV file results-VT18-13hours.csv:

time_secs,total_all_states,total_unique_states,partial_overlap,partial_waste_ratio, ...
3600,6808300,713237,1,0.000001,0,0.000000, ...
7200,13490985,1357573,1,0.000001,0,0.000000, ...

Due to the complexity of this experiment, please contact us via HotCRP any time if you need any information. Thanks. After Swarm experiments, we recommend you to delete all Swarm logs on client machines via cd ~ && make clean to facilitate other reviewers' use of the shared client machines. Thanks.

RefFS Performance and Reliability (Figure 7)

This experiment illustrates the performance of RefFS while running with Metis and its comparison with other reference file systems including BtrFS, Ext2, Ext4, and XFS. We created a script figure-7-exp.sh to run these five file systems with Metis for 10 minutes each. Therefore, this script will take about 1 hour to complete. You can edit the TIMERUNvariable in the figure-7-exp.sh script to change to a longer or shorter time length for each file system. The performance in the figure 7 is measured by the number of file system operations and unique filesystem abstract states per second. After each file system's Metis run, the script will read the performance metrics from the perf-pan*.csv file and extract total number of operations and unique abstract states as well as epoch time in seconds. Then, the script will compute the performance metrics and save them in the fig7_fs_perf_results text file under the folder ~/Metis/fs-state/.

You can view the performance results via the following command:

cd ~/Metis/fs-state/
cat fig7_fs_perf_results

Randomness in Metis can affect the performance metrics, so you may not get the exact same results as the paper. We recommend you to run the figure-7-exp.sh script multiple times and take the average, which should be close to the results in the paper. The randomness of Metis comes from the prepopulation of files/dirs and the selection of file/dirs to perform operations. Also, as we explained in the paper, more file system operations do not necessarily lead to more unique abstract states. For example, some operations may just create an already-existing file or delete a non-existing file, which will not lead to new abstract states. Therefore, the number of file system operations is a better metric to measure the performance of Metis, rather tan the number of unique abstract states. That said, running multiple times should be able to get the similar trend of performance metrics both in terms of number of file system operations and unique abstract states.

Bug Finding

We listed the file system bugs found by Metis in the Table 2 of our paper. In Metis/fs_bugs, we provided reproducers for some bugs. We use the reproducer for the #5 JFFS2 write_begin bug as an example. We have explained the bug in Section 5.4 of the paper. For more information, please refer to the bug patch. You can use the Ubuntu 20 machine (Metis-AE1-U20 instance) with a lower kernel version (i.e., Linux 5.4.0) to reproduce this JFFS2 write begin bug by either using our reproducer and Metis itself.

Reproduce the JFFS2 write_begin bug by the reproducer

Before running any JFFS2 experiments, please make sure you installed JFFS2 and MTD utilities by the command below. We already installed them on the Metis-AE1-U20 instance.

sudo apt-get install mtd-utils

To run JFFS2 write_begin bug reproducer, please run the following commands to compile the simple C driver and run the shell script:

cd ~/Metis/fs_bugs/jffs2/write_begin/
sudo bash reproduce_jffs2_write_begin_issue.sh

You should be able to see the following output, which indicates the bug is reproduced:

the correct file should be 8 x 1s, then 12 x 0s, then 4 x 2s
the INcorrect file has 16 x 1s, then 4 x 0s, then 4 x 2s
00000000  01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01  01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01  |................|
00000010  00 00 00 00 02 02 02 02                           |........|

For the correct behavior, the file should have a hole that is zeroed out (i.e., 12 x 0s), but the reproducer shows the JFFS2 file system has 1s in the hole instead, indicating a data corruption bug.

Reproduce the JFFS2 write_begin bug by latest version of Metis

To run Metis to find this bug, we first need to edit line 26 of the fs-state/parameters.py file to remove 0o40101 (O_DIRECT) from possible open flags because JFFS2 does not support this open flag. Otherwise, Metis will abort with a discrepancy that JFFS2 returns an EINVAL error code.

We already changed this line on the Ubuntu 20.04 machine. If you use other machines, change this line in fs-state/parameters.py from:

create_open_flag = make_params_pml('create_open_flag',
        SpecialParameters(0o101, 0o301, 0o1101, 0o40101))


create_open_flag = make_params_pml('create_open_flag',
        SpecialParameters(0o101, 0o301, 0o1101))

Then, you can run Metis with Ext4 vs. JFFS2 where Ext4 serves as the reference file system and JFFS2 is the file system under test. We created a script run-metis-jffs2.sh to automate this process including cleaning up previous logs/devices, loading devices, and running Metis. Please note that the current version of Metis involves randomization in the file system operations (e.g., prepopulation of some files/dirs based on probability, selection of file/dir, etc.), so it may take varying time to detect the bug or report another JFFS2 bug. But, it takes within 12 hours to detect this bug based on our experience. You can run the following commands to reproduce this bug:

# You should use the Ubuntu 20.04 machine or kernel version lower than or equal to v6.2
cd ~/Metis/ae-experiments/
sudo ./run-metis-jffs2.sh

Once the bug is detected, Metis will abort (no pan process running) and you can see the bug (discrepancy) report at error-pan*.log log files. The operations that lead to the bug can be found at the bottom of the output-pan*.log log files. There will also be 20 file system images (10 images for each file system) dumped to help post-bug analysis and reproduction. You can mount these images to get the file system state close to the bug. Filenames of these images show the state exploration depth and sequence ID to better identify the file system state and the relationship with the bug.

Reproduce the JFFS2 write_begin bug more deterministically using older version Metis

There is an optional way to reproduce this bug more deterministically using an older version of Metis. We have cloned the older version of Metis in the old-simpler-Metis/Metis folder. This older version has already configured to test JFFS2 using Ext4 as the reference, and it can detect the JFFS2 bug in about 4 hours. You can run the following commands to reproduce this bug:

cd ~/old-simpler-Metis/Metis/fs-state
# You may also want to clean up existing logs and devices
# make clean
# sudo rmmod mtdblock
# sudo rmmod mtdram 
# sudo rmmod mtd_blkdevs
# sudo rmmod brd

sudo ./loadmods.sh
sudo ./setup.sh

When Metis aborts, it indicates that the bug is detected. You can view the error and output logs in the fs-state folder for the information of the bug. Note that the older version of Metis does not support dumped images after a potential bug is detected.

Verify the JFFS2 bug write_begin was fixed on the newer Linux kernel (v6.6.8)

You can log in to the Metis-AE1-newkernel-U22 machine, which has newer Linux kernel v6.6.8, to verify the fix of JFFS2 write_bug bug and other fixed bugs. You can do the same thing as bug reproduction to check if the bug still persists on the newer kernel:

# log in to newer kernel instance: ssh cc@
cd ~/Metis/fs_bugs/jffs2/write_begin/
sudo bash reproduce_jffs2_write_begin_issue.sh

You can see this reproducer will not expose the JFFS2 write_begin bug, and the file content is correct (hole is filled with byte 0) because it was already fixed:

the correct file should be 8 x 1s, then 12 x 0s, then 4 x 2s
the INcorrect file has 16 x 1s, then 4 x 0s, then 4 x 2s
00000000  01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
00000010  00 00 00 00 02 02 02 02                           |........|

Similarly, you can run Metis to test JFFS2 or other file systems on this newer kernel machine, and you can observe that already-fixed bugs will not be reported by Metis.

Reproduce bugs from other file systems by Metis

Reproducing other bugs from other file systems is similar to the JFFS2 bug. You can use either run Metis itself or use our reproducer to detect/reproduce the bug. In Metis/fs-states/mcfs_scripts, we have provided a set of scripts to run Metis with different file systems (using Ext4 as the reference file system). You can edit the scripts easily to use RefFS or other file systems as a reference by changing the arguments provided to ./setup.sh -f option. Because we have to use different brd2 modules for different Linux kernel versions, please make sure you use the correct version of brd2 module in kernel folder. For my information, please refer to our document for brd2.

In those scripts, by default we use:

# For Linux kernel v5.4.0 by default
cd ../kernel/brd

You need edit it accordingly based on your correct kernel version. The default kernel version for Ubuntu 22.04 is 5.15.0 and Ubuntu 20.04 is 5.4.0. You need to edit this line to:

# For Ubuntu 22.04 default kernel version: 5.15.0
cd ../kernel/brd-for-5.15.0

# For Ubuntu 20.04 default kernel version: 5.4.0
cd ../kernel/brd

For example, you can test F2FS by running the following command (already changed to 5.4.0 kernel version by using the brd2 module in the Metis/kernel/brd folder):

sudo rmmod brd
# Following command is optional, see Troubleshooting: Error message: ramdisk device issue
sudo rm /dev/ram*
cd ~/Metis/fs-state/mcfs_scripts
sudo ./single_f2fs.sh

As we discussed in the paper, some bugs are non-deterministic and may take a long time to detect (e.g., > 20 hours). Please feel free to use Swarm to accelerate the bug detection process.


Error message: ramdisk device issue

/dev/ram4 is not a block device.
Cannot setup ext4 because /dev/ram4 is bad or not ready.
Cannot setup file system ext4 (ret = -15)
pan3: ../common/log.c:77: do_write_log: Assertion `my_queue.data' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)

This error shows ramdisks are not setup correctly. Please delete /dev/ram* if these ramdisks are not block devices (i.e., regular files).

find /dev -name 'ram*' ! -type b -exec rm -f {} \;

Then, you can call sudo rmmod brd to remove all the block-device ramdisks, and load the devices using our script or shell commands.

Cannot compile RefFS and lack of mcfs header files

/home/ubuntu/fuse-cpp-ramfs/src/pickle.cpp:3:10: fatal error: mcfs/errnoname.h: No such file or directory
    3 | #include <mcfs/errnoname.h>
      |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/fuse-cpp-ramfs.dir/build.make:202: src/CMakeFiles/fuse-cpp-ramfs.dir/pickle.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:145: src/CMakeFiles/fuse-cpp-ramfs.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:136: all] Error 2
Command './setup-deps.sh' exited with error (2).

Please go to the root directory of the Metis directory and do make && make clean to install Metis/MCFS libraries and header files.

figure-6-analysis.sh: find: ‘/home/cc/my_mounting_point’: Transport endpoint is not connected

You can safely ignore this warning, which does not affect the experiment. This is due to the special file /home/cc/my_mounting_point on Chameleon Cloud instances.

Major Components:

This repo consists of multiple folders. Below are concise descriptions of each folder.


The Metis model checker with input coverage driver that can achieve versatile input coverage. Note that most of code in this folder is reused from the fs-state folder but with input coverage support via multiple macros.


The main folder of the Metis model checker. This checker will run a set of file system operations (system calls) non-deterministically on multiple file systems, and then compare their behavior. If there's any discrepancy, the checker will log it.

Please enter the folder to see detailed document and code.


Reproducers we developed for the bugs we found by Metis. Check out each file system folder for details.


Kernel modules (modified brd driver or brd2) that helps the file system model checker to create ramdisks with desired sizes. Use the correct brd2 version based on your Linux kernel version.


Various scripts to set up Metis and RefFS, analyze Swarm Verification results from Metis, code coverage investigation, etc.

other folders

For the explanation of other folders, please refer to this README.


  TITLE =        "{Metis}: File System Model Checking via Versatile Input and State Exploration",
  AUTHOR =       "Yifei Liu and Manish Adkar and Gerard Holzmann and Geoff Kuenning and Pei Liu and Scott Smolka and Wei Su and Erez Zadok",
  NOTE =         "To appear",
  BOOKTITLE =    "Proceedings of the 22nd USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST '24)",
  ADDRESS =      "Santa Clara, CA",
  MONTH =        "February",
  YEAR =         "2024",
  PUBLISHER =    "USENIX Association"
  TITLE =        "Input and Output Coverage Needed in File System Testing",
  AUTHOR =       "Yifei Liu and Gautam Ahuja and Geoff Kuenning and Scott Smolka and Erez Zadok",
  BOOKTITLE =    "Proceedings of the 15th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems (HotStorage '23)",
  MONTH =        "July",
  YEAR =         "2023",
  ADDRESS =      "Boston, MA"
  TITLE =        "Model-Checking Support for File System Development",
  AUTHOR =       "Wei Su and Yifei Liu and Gomathi Ganesan and Gerard Holzmann and Scott Smolka and Erez Zadok and Geoff Kuenning",
  DOI =          "https://doi.org/10.1145/3465332.3470878",
  PAGES =        "103--110",
  BOOKTITLE =    "Proceedings of the 13th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage (HotStorage '21)",
  MONTH =        "July",
  YEAR =         "2021",
  ADDRESS =      "Virtual"


If you are FAST '24 AEC members, please leave us a message on the HotCRP. We will response to you ASAP and definitely in 24 hours.

For any question, please feel free to contact Yifei Liu (yifeliu@cs.stonybrook.edu) and Erez Zadok (ezk@cs.stonybrook.edu).