CIS700 - 003 Midterm Preparation

Exam Format:

  • "Cheat Sheet": double-sided, can be typed
  • Multiple-choice questions (for breadth)
  • Smaller in-depth questions (for depth): may require bit of code (like PySpark) or explaining how to solve a problem w/ Pseudocode
  • Content is material from homework, lectures, readings (emphasis on first two)

1/16 Lecture

Challenges for Big Data

  • Acquisition, access: needs to be accessible
  • Wrangling: data may be in wrong form
  • Integration, representation: data relationships may not be captured
  • Cleaning, filtering: data may have variable quality
  • Hypothesizing, querying, analyzing, modeling: from data to information
  • Understanding, iterating, exploring: build knowledge from information
  • Ethical obligations
    • Need to protect data, follow good statistical practices, present results in a non misleading way

1/18 Lecture

Goal is Raw Data to Structured Data to Information to Knowledge

Data Science - Myth & Reality

  • Myth:
    • Learn "bottom up" using fancy statistics and machine learning
    • "Turn up crank" and pop out insights
  • Reality:
    • Rely on human expertise to impose models over the data
    • Deep learning for feature selection

"Big" Data

  • * No clear consensus
  • Too complex for humans to understand directly
  • Doesn't fit single uniform memory space (variables in python)
  • Need more than brute algorithms to analyze
  • May require multiple computers
  • Possible high dimensionality (feature selection and dimensionality reduction)


  • Netflix Prize
  • High-Throughput Gene Sequencing
  • Epileptic Seizure Prediction


  • Highly dimensional, hard to understand, requires understanding computation & IO costs
  • Relies on extracting data and selecting features and adding semantic structure to data

Structured Data

  • Logical representation of data that isn't dependent on
    • Where things are located
    • Specific in-memory data structures (array vs. linkedlist, tree vs. map)
    • What pointers, indices are available
    • "implicit" properties like order of access
  • "Physical data independence":
    • Led to relational database
    • Needs abstraction more general than in-memory data structure
    • Split across a cluster?
    • Should allow for efficient bulk computation (filter, merge, extract)

Data Frame

Essentially a kind of table "think as a relation across values or a list of maps w/ the same keys/values"

Structured Data

  • Camps of Big Data People:
    • Programming languages and compiler developers
    • Software engineers
    • R and Matlab users
    • Database developers and users
    • MapReduce / Spark

1/25 Lecture

  • Basic Abstraction: Dataframe
    • Default: table w/ named columns and integer-identified rows
    • pandas.DataFrame.from_dict()
    • pandas.read_csv()
    • pandas.read_json()

Manipulating Data Frames

  • Accessing Elements of DataFrame:
    • Rows as Tuples:
      • for iter in my_frame.iterrows():
      • row = iter[1] // (v1, v2, v3...)
    • Rows by Keys & Series
      • for col in my_frame:
      • my_frame[col] // k-v
    • Element by Index
      • my_frame.ix[0] // first row
      • my_frame.ix[:,'first'] // first column
      • my_frame.ix[0,'first'] // first cell
  • Setting Value: my_frame.set+value(0, 'first', 1.0) (sets [0, 'first'] to 1.0)

Beyond Iteration

  • Iteration in python is slow
  • Order doesn't matter as long as final output combined the right way
  • Way to do multiple operations at the same time?
    • The basis of parallel computing, GPU computing, vector instructions, databases, MapReduce

"Bulk" Operations over Structured Data Objects

  • Extracting subsets of a DataFrame
    • Selection / filtering: rows of certain data values
  • Projection
    • Want certain columns
  • Composition of DataFrames:
    • Concatenation: append a table to another
    • Joining: merge rows

Selecting Rows in DataFrame

  • Can select rows by passing in Boolean vector of the same length
    • my_frame[[True, False, True]]

Getting Rid of Dirty Data

  • DataFrames that use NaN to represent a "null" value
  • dropna: remove rows
  • fillna: substitute value

Mapping elements of a collection

  • Map each element by applying a function w applymap
  • ex: my_frame.applymap(my_fn)

Projecting Columns in a DataFrame

  • pd.DataFrame(my_frame['first']): frames of column first
  • pd.DataFrame(my_frame['first'] > 1.0): boolean column representing if which rows have first > 1.0
  • pd.DataFrame(my_frame(my_frame['first'] > 1.0)): all rows where the condition "first" > 1.0 is true

Concatenating DataFrames

  • my_frame.append(my_frame2): concatenates rows of two frames
  • my_frame.append(my_frame2).drop_duplicates(): concatenates rows of two frames without repeat rows

Merging (Joining) Dataframes

  • pseudo-code ex: matches all 'to' in left w 'from' in right
dict_x = {'from': 1, 'to': 2}
left, right = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_x)
left.merge(right, left_on=['to'], right_on='from')
  • pseudo-code ex: non-matched are included with NaN on the un-matched column
left.merge(right, left_on='to', right_on='from', how='outer', suffixes=('_l', '_r'))

Restructuring the DataFrame

  • Renaming column: my_frame.rename(columns={'first':'spam'})
  • Changing index columns: my_frame.reset_index() or my_frame.set_index('second')
    • reset index keeps previous index as a new column
  • Change column type: pd.to_numeric(my_frame['third'], errors='coerce') (forces NaN if non-numeric), my_frame['second'].astype(str)


  • Exist in other platforms too: SQL (relational algebra), MapReduce (specific patterns of map / reduce functions), Spark (combinations of patterns and built-in functions)

Making DataFrames Persistent

  • Store in DataBase to pass DF between programs / store excess data

DFs and Databases

  • Lingo:
import sqlite3
engine = sqlite3.connect('my_database')
my_frame.to_sql('my_table', engine, if_exists='replace')
pd.read_sql('select * from my_table', engine)

Choosing a DB

  • SQL vs. NoSQL:
    • SQL offers transactional semantics / expects very regular structure
    • NoSQL offers less clean support for updates but can offer faster queries as result
  • MySQL vs. PostgreSQL vs. MongoDB
    • Docker containers can install / use these quite easily

Summarizing Data in Frames

  • Basic capabilities for item-at-a-time traversal (discouraged) + operators for filtering, merging, etc

Aggregating Computations Over Data

  • Grouping by some fields ("Show me the counts FOR EACH") into "bins"
  • Aggregation: "compute the x for each bin"

Groups & Indices [TODO]

Re-ordering a DF

  • df.sort_values(['count', 'source'], ascending=False)

Visualizing DataFrames

df['count'].plot(kind='line', title='Ayy')

1/27 Recitation


1/31 Lecture

  • Huge DFs requiring expensive processing
    • Put data on disk
    • Distribute data and computation: across CPUs / GPUs + across machines (compute cluster or cloud center)
  • Followup Challenges: retrieving data efficiently (even if changing in flight)
  • Examples:
    • Logs in Web company: platforms like DataDog, Apache Flume
    • Order Processing / Analytics (Amazon)
    • Ad analytics (Facebook, Google)
    • Twitter meme / bot detection
    • Search engine
    • Facial / entity recognition from images
    • Gene sequence matching pipelines
    • Social network friend recommendation

Challenges of Disk-bound Data

  • Disk is slow (even SSD)
    • Don't want to retrieve all data in order to do computation
    • Need notation of indexing
  • If queries + updates happen simultaneously, need to handle concurrency via isolation -* Requirements lead to database management system

Data in a Database

  • data is interrelated (notion of "schema")
  • Ensures data is "clean" w constraints: notation of "key" (relationship w other tables through "foreign keys")
  • Handles concurrent updates
  • Improves performance by optimization


  • Example: Person(SSN, Name, DOB):
    • SSN is 9-digit Integer
    • Name is alpha-character string
    • DOB is a date
  • Key: set of fields that uniquely identify a tuple (Ex: SSN)

Constraints as Relationships

  • Relational databases have "designed" relationships b/w tables (table w/ courses, names and departments, table w/ departments and building have relationship of department in both)

One-to-Many Relationship

  • Ex: a department offers many courses
  • Relational databases require atomic valued attributes {cells}
    • No complex types (lists, dictionaries)
    • "First normal form"
  • Relationships are encoded using keys (the "One") and foreign keys (the "Many")

Many-to-Many Relationships

  • Ex: Students take many courses, courses are taken by many students
  • Not every relationship is hierarchical
  • JSON-embedded relationships vs. JSON-referenced relationships:
    • Embedded will repeat a value multiple times (a student with their name, SID, etc) instead of just pointing to the data w a reference

Querying Data: SQL

  • Selecting Data:
    • DF: student_df[student_df["name"] == "Maya"]
    • SQL: SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Name="Maya"
  • Projecting Columns:
    • DF: pd.DataFrame(student_df["Name"])
    • SQL: SELECT (DISTINCT) Name FROM Student (paren ~ optional)
  • Merging (Joining):
    • DF: pd.merge(student_df, takes_df, on="SID")
    • SQL: SELECT Student.Name, Student.SID, Takes.Num FROM Student JOIN Takes ON Student.SID = Takes.SID also SELECT * FROM Student NATURAL JOIN
  • Grouping: "for each course, count the number of students"
    • DF: pd.DataFrame(takes_df.groupby(['Num']).size(),columns={'count'})
    • SQL: SELECT Num, count(*) AS Count FROM Takes GROUP BY Num
  • Exists / Not-Exists: "Print all students who are not taking any course"
    • DF:

Working b/w DataFrames and Databases

  • Data "in the wild" is in database
    • Need to be able to store DFs in a DB and get from DB

Relational Data Model

  • Paper by E. F. Codd [1970]: "relational model of data for large shared data banks"
    • Separate physical implementation from logical
    • Model the data independently from how it will be used (accessed, printed, etc)
      • Describe the data minimally and mathematically
      • use standard mathematical operations over the data (relational algebra, relational calculus)
  • Optimization was key to relational systems
    • [1969-70] Codd's original work
    • [1976] Earliest relational database research
    • [1979] Oracle 2.0
  • Success was optimization: indexing, optimization based on rewriting queries, optimizing joins


  • Indices reduce the number of rows in a table that must be examined
    • Think index of a book
    • Database indices work b/w disk and main memory
  • Getting DF from DB comes with added index column
  • Create / get indices from table:
c = engine.cursor()
c.execute("create index my_index on my_table(second)")
pd.read_sql('pragma index_list("my_table")', engine)

When is an index used:

  • If the initial columns of the index (a, b, etc) appear in the WHERE clause terms as:
    • column = expression
    • column IS expression
    • column in (subquery)
    • column is NULL
  • Right-most column of an index that is used can use inequality (restricting value for a column within a range)
    • column > expression
  • Example: CREATE INDEX idx_R ON R(a,b,c)
    • WHERE a=5 AND b=3 AND c=NULL: all columns usable
    • WHERE a=5 AND b>10 AND b<50: first two columns usable
    • WHERE a=5 AND b>12 AND c='hello': first two columns usable
    • WHERE b=3 AND c='hello': index not usable

Optimization based on query writing

relational algebra can simplify an equation for easier queries

  • Processing the Query: Query -> Optimizer -> Execution Engine (also inputs Storage System) -> Web Server


  • Embody an "all or nothing" unit of work
    • despite failures in system, concurrent activity, etc
  • How should conflicts be handled: "serializable behavior"
    • Say two transactions try to add different students but give both the same SID

2/8 Lecture

Scaling for Big Data

Scaling Up

  • Old Model: CPUs and Memory Modules (RAM) fully connected
  • Equal access to every processor and memory
  • "crosswork network": slow, expensive

Scaling Out

  • If computer is not enough: buy many computers with small number of processors, connect on high-speed network into a cluster
  • Non-uniform costs in parallel systems
    • Recall lot of attention paid to disk algorithms:
      • Internal CPU state (registers, cache)
      • Memory: latency 1000s times slower
      • SSD / disk: latency 1000s times slower
    • Same is true with multiple processors / computers
      • I/O latency and throughput / bandwidth
    • Each processor should work "independently" and "locally" as much as poss.

Building Clusters in Big Data

  • Network switch: connects nodes w/ each other and other racks

  • Rack: holds nodes/blades (often identical)

  • * Data centers exists because cluster can become too big / hot


  • Main issues with compute clusters: making computation parallel and minimzing communication and coordination
  • Many of the same principals hold for multiple CPUs
  • Analogy: 10,000 employees collate together on census form
    • People take vacations, get sick, work at different rates, fill out form incorrectly, etc
  • Abstract away into a Data Flow


  • Scheme 1: Server 1 does A-G, Server 2 does H-N, etc

    • Critical Issue: Data skew
  • Scheme 2: Randomize placement of the data but make predictable (Use Spark)

    • Hashing "spreads out" the values into predictable locations
  • Sharding: take index key, divide values into buckets, assign one bucket / machine, do work locally over the bucekets, exchange (shuffle) data, go to aggregate


  • Spark's Building Blocks: Simplest First

  • RDD {Resilient Distributed Dataset}: map from sharded index field to value

    • Distributed data collection: set, dictionary, table
    • It has an index or key to "shard" the data
    • If the machine crashes, the computation will recover and reuse "resilient"
  • No program can directly iterate over all the elements of the RDD

    • Instead define code to be applied on different machines / subsets of the data
  • TODO

Graphs & Network (Data) Science

  • Simple Algorithm for a Centralized Graph:
    • Input: Graph as adjacency list
    • Output: dictionary (map) of degrees of all vertices
    • Algorithm:
      • For each vertex v
      • Count pairs of (v, X) for all X in the table
      • Store sum in D[v]
  • Centrality: "most cited paper"

Exploring a Graph

  • Random Walk: stateless way, randomly choose a neighbor and repeat when we return to our start node
    • Given $n$ nodes, $m$ edges: start at $u$ return from neighboring $v$ in $2m$ steps
    • E[Time to visit all nodes] $\leq 2m(n-1)$

Computing Distance

  • Distance: number of edges on shortest path (use BFS)

Adding Connections on Social Networks

  • Triadic Closure: one's friends become each other's friends
    • Look to complete triangles to recommend friends
    • Algorithm:
      • Run BFS to find friends of friends
      • For each such $n$, count how many friends are $n$'s friends, rank each $n$ by how many friends in common
  • Other Pair based Algorithms:
    • Annotating edges with cost, distance, similarity
    • MST: minimal cost tree connecting all vertices in graph
    • Topological Sort, Steiner Tree (MST of certain nodes)

Measuring Importance

  • Different notations of centrality have been defined based on connectivity
    • "Betweenness centrality": measures how important a node is in bridging communities
    • "Eigenvector centrality": Gives us a recursive measure of importance (ie do I connect to important nodes, do they connect to important nodes)

Link Analysis for the Web

  • Problem: Millions of pages contain query word
  • Idea: hyper links encode human judgment (like citations)
    • Intra-domain links: Created for navigation
    • Inter-domain links: Confer measure of authority