
Bazel code workspace

Primary LanguagePython


This is an artifical bazel workspace, containing a small number of C++ packages. Each package contains a library and an executable:

  • //src/a
  • //src/b
  • //src/c


  • b depends on a
  • c depends on an auto-generated package d


  • Packages d, e, and f are autogenerated by a script located in scripts/generator.py.

  • It reads its configuration from config/config.yaml, and needs to be integrated into the build process.


  • Setup a build environment using the Dockerfile and scripts.
  • Make yourself familiar with the workspace, give a short overview of the bazel project.
  • How do you build and run target //src/a:a?
  • How do you figure out the actual compile (gcc) and link (ld) commands that bazel runs when building //src/a:a?
  • Try to build //src/b:b. Why is the build failing? How can you fix it?
  • How can you query for all dependencies of //src/b:b?
  • Package "c" depends on a target that is auto-generated. What are the options to successfully model the dependency and run the target //src/c:c?
  • How do you make sure that the auto-generation is triggered whenever the config file has been modified?