
Eluvio Content Fabric Browser

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Running the Fabric Browser

Note: The fabric browser should be run as a contained application of Eluvio Core JS

Quick start:

  • Clone elv-fabric-browser, elv-core-js, and elv-client-js projects from github

  • In elv-client-js, initialize a new content space using the initialization script:

    cd elv-client-js
    npm install
    node InitContentSpace.js <path-to-qfab-config> <path-to-content-fabric-dir> <private-key>
  • Copy the generated TestConfiguration.json from elv-client-js to configuration.json in elv-core-js and elv-fabric-browser

    cp TestConfiguration.json ../elv-core-js/configuration.json && cp TestConfiguration.json ../elv-fabric-browser/configuration.json
  • Run npm install && npm run serve in elv-core-js and elv-fabric-browser in separate terminal tabs

  • Open http://localhost:8082 in your browser

Running with NPM

  npm install
  npm run serve

Then open http://localhost:8080 in your browser


Edit ./configuration.json to point to your fabric and ethereum nodes

IMPORTANT: CORS Configuration


Ensure your qfab daemon configuration has the following options set in the "api#cors" section

"allowed_origins": [
"allowed_methods": [
 "allowed_headers": [

If you are running Geth, ensure you have the rpccorsdomain flag set:

geth --rpccorsdomain "*" ...

Ganache should allow CORS requests by default