
Primary LanguagePython


check50 problems for MI @OTH.

Why check50?


  • ability to alter checks after assignment start and without altering the students repos
  • uniform test environment (remote checking)
  • cs50 as example course
  • free and opensource


  • unit testing javascript in python is cumbersome
    Solution: check50.flask.app like Wrapper class for nodejs express apps
  • Students need to install another tool (no native Windows version)


Please read check50's guide. Especially the section about python checks.


This is a basic check used for the finance app.

def startup():
    """application starts up"""
    with express.App() as app:

The basic components are:

  • Decorator @check50.check()
    It marks the function startup as check.
  • Dependency (optional) npm_install
    The check startup will only run if the check npm_install has passed.
  • Instance of App
    The App class capsules a nodejs instance of the finance app.
  • Requests app.get() or app.post()
    Sends a GET/POST request to the finance app.
  • Conditions app.status(200) or app.css_select() Perform checks on the last response from the finance app. E.g. Does the http status code match? Does the returned html document contain certain elements?

App Class

A check50.flask.app like wrapper class for nodejs express apps. It provides methods to send GET or POST requests to the students app and methods to validate the app's response. It also contains special functionality for the finance app (login, buy,sell). This could be put in a subclass (see TODO).

Request injection into the express router system is not possible. So we simply start the student's app as subprocess (node app.js).

Checks are run in parallel by check50. Each check is run in worker process. Synchronisation via global variables does not work therefore. As the checks might fail at any stage. We do not know which check is the last one running.

To ensure the subprocess is terminated after all checks have run or a check failed, we start a new node instance for each check. For proper cleanup the App Class supports the Python with-statement (Explanation on python resource statement.

To support parallel testing the student's app instances have to listen to different ports to prevent port collision. The easiest way is to use unix domain socket. They are local to each checks filesystem.


  • Extract finance functionality from App Class.
    Goal: Resuable Library for other node-express-based assignments.

  • Fix import other python files in __init__.py. Current implementation is not bullet proof.

  • Remove manuell redirection code as much as possible.

  • Add docstrings for methods. In other words, more code comments.

  • Repl.it template with check50 preinstalled.

Further Resources