
Create Telegram Bot commands within Spring in a SpringMVC manner

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Create Telegram Bot commands within Spring in a SpringMVC manner. This project uses rubenlagus' Java implementation of the Telegram Bot API


You can find practical examples in the "spring-tg-examples" module

Spring Boot

Enable spring-tg

It is necessary to add "bot.token" and "bot.name" to a properties file (application.properties)

@EnableTgBot // Just add this annotation to some configuration bean
public class SpringBootTelegramBotApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(SpringBootTelegramBotApplication.class, args);



Ping pong example:
@TgController(name = "PingPong", description = "Sends back Pong", regex = "\\/ping") // describe an action
public class PingPong {

    private TgMessageService messageService;

    @TgRequest // marks an action handler for a specific order of arguments
    public void pong(String command) {

Another Example with more than one argument:
@TgController(name = "Add", description = "Add two numbers together", regex = "\\/add")
public class AddAction {
    private TgMessageService messageService;
    public void add(String command, String numberOne, String numberTwo) {
        double valueOne = Double.parseDouble(numberOne);
        double valueTwo = Double.parseDouble(numberTwo);
        double answer = valueOne + valueTwo;
        messageService.sendMessage("Answer: " + answer);

You may also intercept between each argument:
@TgController(name = "Add", description = "Add two numbers together", regex = "\\/add")
public class AddAction {
    private TgMessageService messageService;
    public void add(String command) {
        messageService.sendMessage("Please enter your first number.");
    public void add(String command, String numberOne) {
        messageService.sendMessage("Your first number was: " + numberOne);
        messageService.sendMessage("Please enter your second number.");
    public void add(String command, String numberOne, String numberTwo) {
    	messageService.sendMessage("Your second number was: " + numberTwo);
        double valueOne = Double.parseDouble(numberOne);
        double valueTwo = Double.parseDouble(numberTwo);
        double answer = valueOne + valueTwo;
        messageService.sendMessage("Answer: " + answer);

Telegram User Scope: @Scope("tg")
@TgController(name = "Concatenate", description = "Concatenate a string infinitely", regex = "\\/concat")
@Scope("tg") // scoped only to one user
public class AddAction {
    private TgMessageService messageService;
    private String userText = ""; // this userText exists for every Telegram user, since this bean is scoped by the user
    public void concat(String command) {
        messageService.sendMessage("Please write any text. Enter 'DONE' when you want to see the results");
    public void concat(String command, String text) {
    	if(text.equals("DONE")) {
    		userText = "";
    	} else {
    		userText += text;
            messageService.sendMessage("You added: " + text);

More Control
@TgController(name = "Guess", description = "Guess a random number between 1-10", regex = "\\/guess") 
public class PingPong {

    private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();
    private static final int MAX_RETRIES = 5;

    private TgMessageService messageService;
    private int randomNumber;
    private int retryCounter;

    public void guess(String command) {
        messageService.sendMessage("Make your guess...");
        retryCounter = 0;
        randomNumber = RANDOM.nextInt(10) + 1;
    public TgRequestResult guess(String command, String guessString) {
    	int guess = Integer.parseInt(guessString);
    	if(guess == randomNumber) {
    		messageService.sendMessage("You got it!");
    		return TgRequestResult.OK;
    	} else {
    		messageService.sendMessage("Wrong, try again.");
            return TgRequestResult.RETRY;
    	if(retryCounter >= MAX_RETRIES) {
    		messageService.sendMessage("Too many tries!");
    		return TgRequestResult.ABORT;
    public void guess(String command, String guessString, String wish) {
    	messageService.sendMessage("I am sorry but I can't make your wish '" + wish + "' come true :(");

Any Telegram message data type
@TgController(name = "Play Music", description = "Plays the given song", regex = "\\/play_music") 
public class PingPong {

    private TgMessageService messageService;

    public void playMusic(String command) {
        messageService.sendMessage("Please send a song");

    public void playMusic(String command, org.telegram.telegrambots.api.objects.Audio audio) {
    private void play(org.telegram.telegrambots.api.objects.Audio audio) {
        // play

Resolving message data types
@TgController(name = "Play Music", description = "Plays the given song", regex = "\\/play_music") 
public class PingPong {

    private TgMessageService messageService;

    public void playMusic(String command) {
        messageService.sendMessage("Please send a song");

    * Gets invoked when an {@link org.telegram.telegrambots.api.objects.Audio} is received as a second argument
    public void playMusic(String command, org.telegram.telegrambots.api.objects.Audio audio) {
    * Gets invoked when an {@link org.telegram.telegrambots.api.objects.Voice} is received as a second argument
    public void playMusic(String command, org.telegram.telegrambots.api.objects.Voice voice) {
    * Gets invoked when any other message is received as a second argument
    public void playMusic(String command, org.telegram.telegrambots.api.objects.Message message) {
    	messageService.sendMessage("Invalid message. Please send Audio or Voice.");
    private void playAudio(org.telegram.telegrambots.api.objects.Audio audio) {
        // play audio
    private void playVoice(org.telegram.telegrambots.api.objects.Voice voice) {
    	// play voice

Custom logic for command validation (instead of regex)
// set a class for commandValidator to use a custom CommandValidator
@TgController(name = "Save Image", description = "Saves an image to the disk", commandValidator = SaveImageCommandValidator.class ) 
public class SaveImage {

    private TgMessageService messageService;

    public void pong(TgPhotos photos) {
        messageService.sendMessage("Saving photo...");
        savePhoto(photos.get( photos.size() - 1 ));
    private void savePhoto(org.telegram.telegrambots.api.objects.PhotoSize photo) {
    	// save photo


public class SaveImageCommandValidator implements CommandValidator {
	public boolean validate(Message message) {
		return message.hasPhoto();
Pre and Post action methods
@TgController(name = "PingPong", description = "Sends back Pong", regex = "\\/ping")
public class PingPong {

    private TgMessageService messageService;

    public void pre(/*Params must be empty*/) {
        messageService.sendMessage("Hello User, please prepare to be ponged!");

    public void pong(String command) {
    public void post(/*Params must be empty*/) {
        messageService.sendMessage("Thanks for being ponged, user <3");


Spring Security

Restrict methods
@TgController(name = "Admin Action", description = "This action can only be used by admins", regex = "\\/admin")
public class AdminAction {

	private final TgMessageService messageService;

	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')") // Use spring method security
	public void admin(String command) {
		messageService.sendMessage("You are an admin!");

Define Granted Authorities Provider
public class MyTgGrantedAuthoritiesProvider implements TgGrantedAuthoritiesProvider {

    * Very simple example. User with the username "ThisIsTheAdminUserName"
    * gets the admin role. Is a user.
	public Collection<GrantedAuthority> getAuthoritiesOf(TgContext tgContext) {
		List<GrantedAuthority> authorities = new ArrayList<>();

        if(tgContext.getUser().getUserName().equals("ThisIsTheAdminUserName")) {


		return authorities;

	private static GrantedAuthority getAuthorityInstance(String role) {
		return new SimpleGrantedAuthority(String.format("ROLE_%s", role));
