
The repository used to manage the monthly .NET Foundation Newsletter

MIT LicenseMIT


Welcome to the .NET Foundation Newsletter Repository. This repo is used to manage and create newsletters sent to the members of the foundation and the general interested public. You can sign up for the .NET Foundation newsletter here.


We have a video that walks through how to submit news items for the newsletter.

Youtube walkthrough of submitting news for the newslitter

Or you can continue to read this document like our ancestors did.

Every month we will create an issue for the upcoming newsletter as well as a markdown file to contain the news. News should be submitted as a pull request to the existing newsletter markdown file. The file will be named for the month in a folder with the name of the year. For example, the July 2019 newsletter is in a file named 2019/07.md.

Screen Shot 2019-07-18 at 11 34 08 AM

Pro tip: You can submit your news through the website by clicking the edit icon when viewing the newsletter markdown file. Just make your edits and when you commit, GitHub will walk you through creating a pull request.

Please append your news to the appropriate section. For Foundation Project News, please append your news to the section labeled .NET Foundation Project Updates. Also, please add a line in your PR message that says Related: #123 where 123 is the issue number of newsletter issue (Pro Tip: If you type # and start typing "news" GitHub will list issues related to the newsletter). That gives us a nice digest for submissions.

It's a simple format.

Start with an H3 heading that is linked to your news item. So if you're writing about a new release, then link the heading to the release. If you're writing about a new project, link to the repository.

Follow the heading with your project news. Feel free to include images and links.

Pro tip on images: Go to a new issue form, then drag and drop an image into the body of the issue. It will upload the image and when it's done, present the markdown for the image. Copy and paste that into your news item. Don't save the issue! The image will remain.

Here's a template you can use.

### [Headline for your news](https://URL-TO-THE-SUBJECT-OF-THE-NEWS)

Write all your content here using Markdown. See the following guide: https://help.github.com/en/articles/basic-writing-and-formatting-syntax

You might have a nice ![image here](https://URL-TO-IMAGE/).

Sometimes it's nice to end with a:

* [bulletted](url-to-resource)
* [list](url-to-resource)
* [of linked resources](url-to-resource)

Who may submit news?

While we expect project maintainers to submit interesting news about their projects, we welcome anyone in the .NET community to submit news related to the Foundation or Foundation Projects.


We send out the newsletter the last week of each month. We try and set a deadline for project news one week before the end of the month.

The contents of the newsletter are also published to the .NET Foundation Blog.