Current Status: Is rito going though a war? Their code changes so much and is so inconsistant it feels like it
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IcyWind Lite is a "brower based" league of legends client, taking the load off of your computer.
You will need to have league up to date, and will need our helper program (IcyWindLite Launch Assistant).
This program is not activly running, but should be run by your browser, which will then start the game. You need this program or can install a .bat file to launch the game but you will need to install it and run it every time.
Warning: If you forget your password, all saved accounts will be removed. There is no possible way to recover account passwords and the leauge of legends account credentials that are stored on the server. You should also create a strong UNIQUE password for IcyWind (Use a password manager) as IcyWind acts like a password manager
Warning: MultiUserAccount support is in development still. Currently, the way IcyWind is setup, may result in slightly higher latancy as it makes a connection per account. This will not impact those with around ~5 accounts, but those with more than 20 may experience issues.
Warning: A certificate IcyWindRootCA will be downloaded when this program is run. It should not be added to the windows certificate store. This certificate is only for use in verifiying IcyWind components and plugins
IcyWind includes some paid components. This is because I am paying for a server. This is why if you have a free account you are limited to 3 accounts. Cost will than become a reduced $5 for early beta testers. Anyone not falling into this catagory will have to pay $10 USD every month to be able to add more accounts (up to 20) accounts. Any users that need more accounts will need to contact me to remove this limitation.
New System, transfering files over. See below if you want to know what it is.
Something new, MAF instances within an MAF instance. What will happen, lets find out if I can do it or if I will just use MEF inside of an MAF instance. The purpose of this project is to prevent crashes.
MAF functionality will be disabled on launch. There will also be an option to download one without this functinality in the future.
I will not push code until most of it works. Thank you for waiting.
Do not advertise IcyWind
IcyWind's Icon is not attached in this project, but it will be in the compiled version due to licencing of the icon
This software is not to be used in Australia. There will be no backdoor access to decrypting user data.
Just wait. There isn't much you can help with unless you can help contribute to server costs
I'm paying almost $100 now as services are being added for release. This included a CDN (With WAF), Account server, Registration Server, Database servers, and an experemental server for future features
These costs can change, as all of the webservers are auto-scaling to avoid issues seen on other small league of legends projects
IcyWind heavily encrypts user data (AES-256) which is basically impossible to crack. To reset your IcyWind password, email us from the email you created and we will help you out. Please note, that all accounts stored will be wiped. We can give simple information about the accounts stored (Summoner Name) but that is about it.
Ur lookin at it u goof
It helps to support the project, and allows you to add as many accounts as you want. In the future, there will also be a remote connection feature only for those paying. This will allow you to connect to our website and queue up, accept, and pick champs, without needing to run to the computer (IcyWind must be running on your desktop, and it will launch the game on your desktop)
Also, your account gets marked as a subscriber, and you are able to display this (optional) to all of those using IcyWind, and you can create custom chat icons for those on icywind.
Access to the GameAnalyzer when released. GameAnalyzer looks at your team's recent match history, ranks (highest ranked account for those using IcyWind) and analyzes how they do verses different chamions, and which suggests ban chamions and pick champion for you. This is uses IcyWind's api, making it exclusive only to those who have IcyWind perks.
Those who are priority, will also recieve better support, and will be able to download the latest client with the latest features without delay.
Finally, all of the subscribers will get access to ALL plugins (some plugins must be paid for), more game data, and can also enable RUI (but why would you?).
You can add as many accounts as you want locally.
Windows and macOS. That's why there is planned support for both.
These are planned.
IcyWind will update League of Legends and the IcyWind Client itself (Why MAF is used instead of MEF). Just keep IcyWind running at all times. This feature will be seen in later versions of IcyWind
Make the client your client. The power is in your hands to create something magical. The plugin database will be comming soon and the API will made public once I find out how to run plugins more efficiently with native C#.
Want to have your replays download right away? How about only ranked games where you have lost? Icywind allows you to select which games to download.
Have 10 accounts on different regions? Create an account at and login to the icywind client and save all the accounts. You cannot add accounts on our servers (webpage) because of the way accounts are stored.
You can store up to 3 accounts with no cost on the IcyWind website.
You can add as many local accounts as you want (these will be deleted after the session)
Tired of elo boosters spamming your account? I am, and by default these messages are blocked
Want to be laid back, old fasions, lame, and boring? Use RitoUI to make client performance decrease and be dissapointed because it looks bad. Like really bad.
Planned feature. All I need is people to help with translations.
If a user tells you to add a file into the "core" folder, please report this user and do not follow their actions.
The core folder is an extremly critical folder that can give some plugins unrestricted access to the system.
If you add a plugin into the "core" folder, IcyWind's safety features are designed to prevent IcyWind from starting up.
All plugins should go into the "plugin" folder which will allow you to restrict the functions that each plugin gets.
The core folder is responsible for everything that the program does. The application (exe) actually does not really do anything but is used for grabbing the updates and installing them and seamlessly switching over to a newer version when the user accepts an update.
This method of updating will not be in releases any time soon; it is too buggy and can cause corruption needing the program to be reinstalled. This function can only be enabled by devs (dev mode on server set to true)
Right Click the solution and click rebuild the solution. This project uses MAF so just building IcyWind will result in an error. Do not modify any of the files in the AddIn folder, unless you know how to use MAF (and won't screw it up for youself).
Same picture with a lot of accounts (duplicated)
Sorry nothing here
- Windows 10
- macOS
Component Name | License used |
IcyWind.Languages | GNU Affero General Public License |
IcyWind.Chat | GNU Affero General Public License |
IcyWind.* | GNU Affero General Public License |
- This license applies to all IcyWind Components unless otherwise noted
** This licese will be changed in the future. Likely to AGPL
The private license means that the SourceCode is not provided to the user (ClosedSource). It is illigal to use any of these projects in any any of your projects without permission from me. The reason for this stance is because these libraries can interact with the database, and I would like to avoid any user data from being leaked (even though every single account is encrypted and decrypted locally).
Library name | License used |
DotNetty | MIT License |
Dragablz | MIT License |
log4net | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
MaterialDesignInXamlToolkit | MIT License |
Home ( | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
corefx (dotnet) | MIT License |
standard (dotnet) | MIT License |
Newtonsoft.Json | MIT License |
sharpziblib | MIT License |
YamlDotNet | MIT License | | |
rtmp-Sharp | MIT License |
CEFSharp | BSD |
LegendaryClient | MIT Licnese |
Hardcodet.NotifyIcon.Wpf | The Code Project Open License |
Costura | MIT License |
Fody | MIT License |
This program is not sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or otherwise associated with any of the above projects.
Riot Games does not endorse or sponsor this project.
Sept 13 2019
Riot can contact me by creating an issue or emailing me if they have any concerns about the project.