Upscoot is a service. I use this to put my own things.
This repository is the backend of the service. It is currently written in Python using Flask.
- Put by item or URL
- Create 'hidden' items which don't show up in the normal listing
- 'hop' functionality to see (public) items on this day in previous years
- 'list' get a json object of all the (public) items
- 'rand' view a random (public) item
- put to items somewhere distributed
- Create Docker containers
- Tests
- CI
- Coverage
- Android app
- Custom groups, so anyone could create their own group by using their own password
- Group pages to see all items for a group
- Rand, hop, and list for group items
- Group moderation
- Group support for the Android app
I intend to also open source the android application once the server is functional.
The current implementation of Upscoot supports most of these things in a very primitive way. This project is an attempt at creating a more reliable, testable, and reusable website.