
Mobile development test using react-native framework. Granbery Methodist College

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Discipline Mobile Assessment

  • Subject: Introduction to Mobile Development
  • Teacher: Érica C. R. Carvalho
  • Delivery date: 05/30/22 at 11pm
  • Value: 3 points

Theme: Bank Challenge

You were hired to be part of a bank development team very famous and should help this team create an app so customers can open an account at that bank.

At least 2 types of navigation must be used in the app (Stack, Tabs, Drawer) with at least 3 screens and with the following items:

1. Home screen, containing (at a minimum):
  • The logo and name of the Bank.
  • Other bank information must be added (use your Front-end developer creativity to customize the home screen).
  • At least 2 animations on this screen.

  1. Help/about screen, containing (at a minimum):
  • Screen with information that the bank must provide if the customer wants to contact the bank in other ways (telephone, link to website, etc.).
  • Information about the bank, which may contain data and/or tables about it.
  • At least 2 animations on this screen.

  1. Screen for opening an account, containing (at least):
  • On this screen, the following fields must be entered using the recommended components:
  • Name (TextInput)
  • Age (TextInput)
  • Genre (Picker from @react-native-picker/picker) link.
  • Your limit (@react-native-community/slider) link.
  • Student (Switch)
  • Open account (TouchableOpacity)
  • Reset (TouchableOpacity)
  • When clicking on the 'Open account' button, all data must be shown in the screen in an alert (alert()). If any data is blank, no data should be be displayed and it must be informed that all fields must be filled in.
  • When clicking the 'Reset' button, all fields must return to their value initial (state).
  • Must contain at least 1 animation on this screen.
  • View the video in the AVA that illustrates the behavior of this screen.

The following elements must be present in the code

  • Components must be created for each screen/part of the code.
  • Colors and sizes must be in a separate file (e.g. colors.js and sizes.js)
  • Buttons and text inputs must be a stateless component (e.g.: MyButton.js and MyTextInput.js)
  • At least 2 React Hooks must be used (useState, useEffect or useMemo)


  • The assessment is individual.
  • Copying from a colleague is not allowed. If this occurs, the grade will be divided by the total of students involved in copying.
  • Use your creativity to customize the app. Any additional content will be validated.