
Chromatic CLI: `npx chromatic`

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Chromatic CLI

Publishes your Storybook to Chromatic and kicks off tests if they're enabled.

Published on npm Tested with Chromatic


👉 Read the Chromatic CLI docs

📝 View the Changelog

Using a next version

From time to time we pre-publish a next version of the package to test new features. To use the next branch you can either:

Using npx

Change your script to use the next dist-tag:

npx chromatic@next --project-token ...

Using a dependency in package.json

Update to the latest next version with:

yarn add --dev chromatic@next

# or
npm i --save-dev chromatic@next

Using the github action

Use our chromatic-next action:

- uses: chromaui/action-next@v1


Contributions of any kind are welcome! We're available to chat via the Intercom widget on the documentation site.

Compatibility & versioning

Compatibility is guaranteed between this package and Chromatic like so:

  • Production Chromatic ensures it’s compatible with what’s on npm
  • What's on the main branch is equal to what's published on npm
  • This package ensures it’s compatible with production Chromatic

To facilitate upgrading in the future, removing and adding features, this is the process:

  • Any new features will have to be on Chromatic production before they could be used in this package
  • We can add feature flags to be able to test new functionality
  • Chromatic production can not remove any features this package depends on until after the usage has been removed from this package in addition to a grace period to allow users to upgrade

Building and running locally

  1. Ensure all dependencies are installed with yarn install
  2. Build + watch the code locally: yarn dev
  3. Run a build of all the CLI's stories against a Chromatic project: yarn chromatic -t <token>.

Running against staging

CHROMATIC_INDEX_URL=https://index.staging-chromatic.com yarn chromatic -t 253df72b53d2

Running against development

To test against a local development version of the Chromatic stack, use

CHROMATIC_INDEX_URL=https://index.dev-chromatic.com yarn chromatic -t <token>

To only test a small number of test stories as a smoke test, use:

SMOKE_TEST=1 CHROMATIC_INDEX_URL=https://index.dev-chromatic.com yarn chromatic -t <token>

Publishing a new version to npm

Before publishing, make sure you've done the following:

  • Updated CHANGELOG.md
  • Committed and pushed everything (clean working directory)
  • Decide on the proper semver bump (major/minor/patch)
  • Decide on the proper tag (canary/next/latest)

We have three types of releases:

  • canary releases are intended for testing purposes and should not be used in production, as they may only work against a staging or dev environment.
  • next releases should be valid, working releases that can potentially be used by early adopters of new features, for example to handle a support request.
  • latest releases are the general audience production releases, used by most people.

For GitHub Actions, we publish chromaui/action-canary and chromaui/action-next, which contain the latest canary or next release, respectively. A latest release will also automatically update chromaui/action-next (besides chromaui/action), in order to keep users who happen to depend on chromaui/action-next up to date with the latest release.

A script is provided to create new releases:

yarn release <major|minor|patch> <canary|next|latest> [--dry-run]

This script ensures the version is bumped properly, the tag is set correctly and the corresponding GitHub Action is updated.


yarn release patch canary

Releases e.g. 6.6.1-canary.0.

yarn release major latest

Releases e.g. 7.0.0.