- 1
- 2
bug: Debug tabs behavior
#939 opened by rin-st - 0
Do we need yarn v4?
#962 opened by rin-st - 0
bug: Multiple extension support
#951 opened by twilwa - 5
- 0
issue: yarn deploy fails in case of multiple contracts in the same file in the Foundry version
#947 opened by nzmpi - 0
- 2
tinker with shadcn
#935 opened by technophile-04 - 4
- 4
- 0
- 19
bug: ESLint Error
#901 opened by MattPereira - 2
- 3
- 0
Update to deploy6
#883 opened by johngrantuk - 1
- 1
- 1
bug: Type error: Type 'string' is not assignable to type '`0x${string}`'.
#870 opened by dimitrihartt - 0
- 3
bug: Address component copy icon disappear's
#863 opened by technophile-04 - 1
Dead links to GitHub in docs
#858 opened by FabijanC - 0
Missing a default favicon
#850 opened by Pabl0cks - 3
When you disconnect your burner wallet (with MM closed) it does not show Connect button
#843 opened by Pabl0cks - 1
- 0
- 1
- 3
Switch to Keystore implementation for deployer accounts in foundry projects.
#812 opened by JacobHomanics - 3
Static Build generateStaticParams Error
#785 opened by tonynacumoto - 5
Improve complex struct ui/ux
#725 opened by technophile-04 - 3
bug: precommit ends with error TS2786: 'CopyToClipboard' cannot be used as a JSX component.
#816 opened by Maltstar - 3
- 0
Readme has `yarn hardhat:test` duplicated
#818 opened by Pabl0cks - 3
- 1
Add `.env` to `.gitignore` in nextjs package
#797 opened by technophile-04 - 15
Make components more customizable
#786 opened by technophile-04 - 1
- 2
Update CLI scaffolded README
#755 opened by technophile-04 - 3
bug: NESTED DEPLOYS FAIL: When using the scaffold's frontend to call a contract function which deploys another contract, it fails.
#778 opened by chadxeth - 2
- 2
- 0
- 2
Invalid method signature
#751 opened by pedromnchunks35 - 1
useScaffoldContractWrite does not throw errors
#753 opened by corwinthill - 1
- 1
Slow typing on <AddressInput> causes cursor stealing
#710 opened by carletex - 0
When you deploy a new contract the hot reload happens and then the balance of the contract's balance isn't auto updating
#736 opened by austintgriffith - 9
issue: Minor visual oddness
#733 opened by tjayrush - 1
bug: create-eth foundry is failing with a rainbowkit dependency issue?
#727 opened by austintgriffith - 0
- 1
bug: cannot yarn verify --network arbitrumGoerli
#715 opened by kmjones1979