
Scailable Webnode

Primary LanguageJavaScript


V0.01, 27-07-2020 By: Scailable Core team

The sclbl-webnode allows users to run Scailable tasks (WASI's) both locally (in the browser) or remotely (using our REST API). Usage is relatively simple. First include the WebNode JavaScript library itself:

<script src="min/sclbl-webnode-min.js"></script> <!-- provides sclblRuntime object -->

Or include the CDN version:

<script src="https://d1avtuace03wir.cloudfront.net/sclbl-webnode-min.js"></script>

Next, we set the desired settings:

// Set task uptions:
	"cfid": "XXXX-XXX-XXXX", // Required; the cfid of the task
	"location": "local",  // Optional, default local
	"strict": false,  // Optional, default false implying fallback to remote when local fails
	"inputType": "string", // Optional, default string (alternatively: "numVec", "exact")
	"outputType": "string", // Optional default resultString (alternatively: "numVec", "exact")
	"debug": false, // Optional, default false

And finally we can run tasks using:

// Run the task
sclblRuntime.run(inputData).then(function(response) {
}, function(error) {
	console.log("Error: " + error);

where inputData is the desired input to the task.

See example.html for a working example. See source/sclbl-webnode.js for the (annotated) vanilla JavaScript source code. Feel free to make changes!

See our Using the Scailable Webnode tutorial for a fully annotated example.