- 2
Some issuess with the Setup IDE
#143 opened by IaniLo - 7
debugger screenshot
#127 opened by the-Arioch - 2
- 1
Source Generators have no icon
#52 opened by huitseeker - 1
Open up more this repository
#9 opened by skyluc - 2
Create a doc page about debugging
#5 opened by skyluc - 0
#106 opened - 1
- 2
Import into Eclipse
#88 opened by transfluxus - 0
Improve help in Play2 IDE stb eclipse command
#59 opened by aldenml - 1
Create a section about TODOs detection
#8 opened by skyluc - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
Describe Continuos Integration Server
#1 opened by dotta - 2
Explain what is reStructuredText
#4 opened by dotta - 7
Can't build
#25 opened by mads-hartmann - 0
Update Play tutorial to the latest Play 2.1 release
#53 opened by dotta - 4
- 1
Remove outdated scalac guide.
#44 opened by dragos - 0
Small update
#17 opened - 11
andoid: non-nightly builds don't work
#39 opened by jimfulton - 5
android: ant?
#40 opened by jimfulton - 1
- 0
Running Play2.0 tests from Eclipse
#31 opened by andrask - 1
Getting Started download link incorrect
#12 opened by absurdhero - 0
Create a doc page for mixed Scala/Java project
#2 opened by skyluc