This repository shows how to use these build tools:
- sbt
- Maven
to depend on Scala standard modules such as:
- scala-xml, containing the
package - scala-parser-combinators, containing the
package - scala-swing, containing the
These modules were split out from the Scala standard library, beginning with Scala 2.11.
This sample demonstrates how to conditionally depend on all modules. If use only on some of the modules just edit the libraryDependencies
definition accordingly. If you are just looking for a copy&paste snippet for your build.sbt
file, here it is:
// add dependencies on standard Scala modules, in a way
// supporting cross-version publishing
// taken from:
libraryDependencies := {
CrossVersion.partialVersion(scalaVersion.value) match {
// if Scala 2.12+ is used, use scala-swing 2.x
case Some((2, scalaMajor)) if scalaMajor >= 12 =>
libraryDependencies.value ++ Seq(
"org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-xml" % "1.1.1",
"org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-parser-combinators" % "1.1.1",
"org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-swing" % "2.0.3")
case Some((2, scalaMajor)) if scalaMajor >= 11 =>
libraryDependencies.value ++ Seq(
"org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-xml" % "1.1.1",
"org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-parser-combinators" % "1.1.1",
"org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-swing" % "1.0.2")
case _ =>
// or just libraryDependencies.value if you don't depend on scala-swing
libraryDependencies.value :+ "org.scala-lang" % "scala-swing" % scalaVersion.value
The following pom.xml
snippet assumes you define a scala.compat.version
property in your pom.xml file for scala-maven-plugin 3.1.6 or later. For example, the scala.compat.version
should be set to 2.11
for any Scala 2.11.x version.
<!-- taken from: -->
NOTE: Due to an issue in the Scala compiler, a project that uses scala-xml will compile successfully on Scala 2.11 even without an explicit dependency on the scala-xml
module. However, it will fail at runtime due to missing dependency. In order to prevent that mistake we offer a workaround. Add -nobootcp
Scala compiler option which will make scala-xml invisible to compilation classpath and your code will fail to compile when the dependency on scala-xml
is missing. Check sample pom.xml for details.
The snippet provided above allows you to declare dependencies on modules shipped against Scala 2.11. If you would like to
support building your project with both Scala 2.10, 2.11 and 2.12 at the same time you'll need to use Maven profiles. Check the pom.xml
file in the sample project for details how to set up Maven profiles for supporting different Scala versions.