Today I learned
After seeing this great repo I decided to record useful pieces of knowledge that usually send me back to earlier projects to dig up, adding these here also helps commit it to my long term memory.
26 TILs and counting
- Type inference using Lombok
- WireMock and Junit Testing
- Avoid unchecked casts
- Print out all requests that WireMock receives
- Bind large array values in JSON to POJOs using the Play Framework
- Find Levenshtein distance between two Strings
- Sorting Map entries via values
- Check occurrences in a list
- Apache commons bag structure for occurrences
- Extract links from a String
- Play Framework XSS Gotchas
- Set Spy Memcached Logging level via Play
- Pretty print curl JSON
- Print directory structure of a folder out
- Search Terminal history easily
- Exclude matches using Grep
- Find unique matches from-partial line matches with grep
- Find documents that are missing a field
- Find documents that contain a specific field
- Find size of individual document