
This repository contains GitHub actions for SoC front-end design.

Most design flows are based on Synopsys EDA tools (e.g., vcs, verdi, spyglass, design compiler). Some flows are based on open-source tools (e.g., peakRDL).


This repository can be used as a submodule of a HW IP repository.

For more details of git submodule, refer to Git - Submodules

HW IP repository

(We will refer HW_IP_REPO to represent a HW IP repository using rtl-actions as a submodule. You can check an example on GitHub.)

To instantiate this repository as a submodule of HW_IP_REPO, type the following command under the top directory of HW_IP_REPO

$ git submodule add

This will create a new directory (named rtl-actions) which contains this repository and .gitmodules file. After the creation, you need to commit the changes to your local repository and push the changes to GitHub.

$ git add rtl-actions .gitmodules
$ git commit -m "Added rtl-actions submodule"
$ git push


rtl-actions serve two use cases: GitHub Actions and Local Actions from a Command Line Interface (CLI).

GitHub Actions

For Continuous Integration (CI) using GitHub Actions, we provide action.yml files under some of the top-level folders (e.g., lint, rdl-html, rdl-regblock). GitHub workflows can use these top-level folder names as an action. The action.yml files define input arguments and forward the arguments from a GitHub workflow to an action script in the bin directory.

For example, Under lint folder, we have the following action.yml.

name: 'RTL:lint'

    description: "The path to the filelist containing all the design file. The path is relative to the root of the repository"
    type: string
    required: false
    description: "The name of the top-level design"
    type: string
    required: false

  using: composite
    - run: rtl-actions/bin/action.lint \
           ${{ inputs.filelist  && '--filelist inputs.filelist' || '' }} \
           ${{ && '--top' || '' }}
      shell: bash

This yaml script under lint directory, defines as GitHub action, which can be accessed by scalable-arch/rtl-actions/lint@main. It also describes two optional input arguments (filelist and top), which GitHub action can provide. When invoked by GitHub Action, it executes rtl-actions/bin/action.lint with argument forwarding (A && B || C operates as a ternary operator in yaml).

And a HW_IP_REPO can have the following workflow defined in .github/workflows/lint-spyglass.yml

name: Lint-Spyglass-RTL-Handoff
run-name: Spyglass Lint for an IP-level RTL handoff from ${{ }}
      - main
    runs-on: self-hosted        # runs on a server with Synopsys Spyglass installed
      # checkout the repository (with its submodules) to the runner
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
          submodules: recursive
      # run lint
      - name: Spyglass-Lint
        uses: scalable-arch/rtl-actions/lint@main

The workflow file will run scalable-arch/rtl-actions/lint@main, which is defined in the lint/action.yml of this repository, on a pull request to the main branch.

Local Actions in CLI

Most ASIC front-end development is conducted in Linux terminals. In order to provide the same commands and results to both GitHub Actions and CLI Actions, rtl-actions use the same scripts under the bin directory (GitHub Actions invokes the bin/ scripts in turn).

Setting Variables and Path

When you execute an action in a command line interface (CLI), the action script will first try to find env.source (a bash script file) starting from the root directory to your current working directory (e.g., /env.source, /home/env.source, /home/dale40/env.source, /home/dale40/HW_IP_REPO/env.source When you execute an action, ir

Register Automation using SystemRDL

Refer to []

RTL Design

Refer to []

Linting RTL

Refer to []

Synthsizing RTL

Refer to []