Build Status Pivotal Tracker

##Pivotal Tracker Link Pivotal

Project Description

Trader is a web service for looking up smart stock trading indicators using other online web services. Basically, the users will be able to see stock trends over the week and see how it correlated with the moving stock prices. The users can either choose to correlate indiviudal US stocks or correlated indices like Dow Jones Industrial Average. We are referring to the below paper for this project.

The algorithm basically looks at trends corresponding to a ticker by using related feature terms. For example, a trend for yahoo stock could include 'Finance', 'Stocks','YHOO', 'Pricing', 'Investment' as some of the features. By looking at the trends for these features we should be able to suggest a short or long position for the week for that particular stock.

Quantifying Trading Behavior in Financial Markets Using Google Trends

Team Trader

| Ethan Preble | Mathieu Rodrigue | Sharath Rao | Yuesong Wang | :------------: | :------------: | :------------: | :------------: | :------------: | | Ethan Preble | Mathieu Rodrigue | Sharath Rao | Yuesong Wang | @ethanpreble | @mathieujofis | @sharathrao13 | @wangyuesong