URL-Wallet for Ergo cryptocurrency.
Allows to create tokens and spend boxes following the "emission-box" pattern.
To run locally, type the following inside sbt console:
Then open http://localhost:8080 to open the wallet.
First compile war file: type the following in bash console:
sbt package
The command will generate the war file and print details of it's location. The war file can be hosted on any J2EE web server.
- The URL is needed to access the funds stored in the wallet. Hence the URL must be stored safely.
- Access to the URL allows access to funds. Hence the URL needs to be protected like a secret.
- There are many ways URLs can leak (see below). Hence keep only small amount on it.
- Browser history contains all URLs. Hence extra care needs to be taken to protect history
- Many browsers store history on cloud (e.g., Chrome when signed in)
- Browser extensions and plugins may have access to all URLs visited in the browser.
- HTTP referer header may be sent by browser when visiting links in the wallet. This wallet prevents this leakage by redirecting all external links to a local link first (
When modifying the wallet, make sure you pay special attention to HTTP referer header and link to external URLs using the above technique. That is, to link to http://foo.com
use the link /go/to?addr=http://foo.com
You may want to consider changing the seed, so a URL in your instance won't be valid on another instance.
- Ergo block explorer for getting the data about an address (unspent boxes)
- Ergo-Appkit for signing transactions
- JSP for front-end
- Scala for back-end