
Appkit: A Library for Polyglot Development of Ergo Applications

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Appkit: A Library for Polyglot Development of Ergo Applications

NOTE: The code in Appkit is experimental. All APIs may change and/or be removed without notice.



Ergo is a resilient blockchain platform for contractual money. In addition to Bitcoin-like blockchain architecture Ergo provides advanced contractual capabilities, which are not possible in Bitcoin.

Because of these capabilities numerous decentralized applications become possible(see ErgoScript, Advanced ErgoScript examples, CrowdFunding, Auctions On Ergo, Interest-Free Loan Contract etc). Ergo applications can avoid centralization of trust and instead rely on trust-less truly decentralized protocols which are implemented using Ergo contracts deployed on Ergo blockchain.

By its very nature, Ergo applications are both decentralized and cross-platform ranging from web applications running in browsers, mobile applications running on Android and iOS, standalone applications executing on Linux, MacOS or Windows to services deployed in cloud servers.

That said, it is very desirable to provide consistent programming model and APIs to facilitate all those application scenarios and platforms.

Appkit library is based on GraalVM - a novel next generation approach to implement software which is reusable across several programming languages and execution environments (see motivation for using Graal below).

Appkit has idiomatic Java API and is written in Java/Scala. It is a thin wrapper around core components provided by ErgoScript interpreter and Ergo protocol implementations which are written in Scala.

Using Appkit Ergo applications can be written in one of the languages supported by GraalVM (i.e. Java, JavaScript, C/C++, Python, Ruby, R) and using this library applications can communicate with Ergo nodes via unified API and programming model provided by Appkit. In addition Appkit based Ergo applications can be compiled into native code using native-image ahead of time compiler and then executed without Java VM with very fast startup time and lower runtime memory overhead compared to a Java VM.

Please follow the setup instructions to get started.


Using from Java

Among other things, Appkit library allows to communicate with Ergo nodes via REST API. Let's see how we can write a simple Java console application (called ErgoTool) which uses Appkit library. ErgoTool allows to create and send a new transaction to an Ergo node which, for example, can be started locally and thus available at http://localhost:9052/. Suppose we set up a full node and started it using the following command.

$ java -jar -Xmx4G target/scala-2.12/ergo-3.1.3.jar --testnet -c ergo-testnet.conf

We will need some configuration parameters which we can load from ergotool.json file which looks like this

  "node": {
    "nodeApi": {
      "apiUrl": "http://localhost:9051/",
      "apiKey": "82344a18c24adc42b78f52c58facfdf19c8cc38858a5f22e68070959499076e1"
    "wallet": {
      "mnemonic": "slow silly start wash bundle suffer bulb ancient height spin express remind today effort helmet",
      "password": "",
      "mnemonicPassword": ""
    "networkType": "TESTNET"

Here apiKey is the secret key required for API authentication which can be obtained as described here. And mnemonic is the secret phrase obtained during setup of a new wallet.

Our example app also reads the amount of NanoErg to put into a new box from command line arguments

public static void main(String[] args) {
    long amountToPay = Long.parseLong(args[0]);
    ErgoToolConfig conf = ErgoToolConfig.load("ergotool.json");
    int newBoxSpendingDelay = Integer.parseInt(conf.getParameters().get("newBoxSpendingDelay"));
    // the rest of the code shown below 

Next we connect to the running testnet node from our Java application by creating ErgoClient instance.

ErgoNodeConfig nodeConf = conf.getNode();
ErgoClient ergoClient = RestApiErgoClient.create(nodeConf);

Using ErgoClient we can execute any block of code in the current blockchain context.

String txJson = ergoClient.execute((BlockchainContext ctx) -> {
    // here we will use ctx to create and sign a new transaction
    // which then be sent to the node and also serialized into Json

The lambda passed to execute is called when the current blockchain context is loaded from the node. This is where we shall put our application logic. We start with some auxiliary steps.

// access wallet embedded in Ergo node
ErgoWallet wallet = ctx.getWallet();

// calculate total amount of NanoErgs we need to create the new box 
// and pay transaction fees
long totalToSpend = amountToPay + Parameters.MinFee;

// request wallet for unspent boxes that cover required amount of NanoErgs
Optional<List<InputBox>> boxes = wallet.getUnspentBoxes(totalToSpend);
if (!boxes.isPresent())
    throw new ErgoClientException(
        "Not enough coins in the wallet to pay " + totalToSpend, null);
// create a so called prover, a special object which will be used for signing the transaction
// the prover should be configured with secrets, which are nessesary to generate signatures (aka proofs)
ErgoProver prover = ctx.newProverBuilder()

Now that we have the input boxes to spend in the transaction, we need to create an output box with the requested amountToPay and the specific contract protecting that box.

// the only way to create transaction is using builder obtained from the context
// the builder keeps relationship with the context to access nessary blockchain data.
UnsignedTransactionBuilder txB = ctx.newTxBuilder();

// create new box using new builder obtained from the transaction builder
// in this case we compile new ErgoContract from source ErgoScript code
OutBox newBox = txB.outBoxBuilder()
                        .item("freezeDeadline", ctx.getHeight() + newBoxDelay)
                        .item("pkOwner", prover.getP2PKAddress().pubkey())
                "{ sigmaProp(HEIGHT > freezeDeadline) && pkOwner }"))

Note, in order to compile ErgoContract from source code the compileContract method requires to provide values for named constants which are used in the script. If no such constants are used, then ConstantsBuilder.empty() can be passed.

In this specific case we pass public key of the prover for pkOwner placeholder of the script meaning the box can be spend only by the owner of the Ergo node we are working with.

Next create an unsigned transaction using all the data collected so far.

// tell transaction builder which boxes we are going to spend, which outputs
// to create, amount of transaction fees and address for change coins.
UnsignedTransaction tx = txB.boxesToSpend(boxes.get())

And finally we use prover to sign the transaction, obtain a new SignedTransaction instance and use context to send it to the Ergo node. The resulting txId can be used to refer to this transaction later and is not really used here.

SignedTransaction signed = prover.sign(tx);
String txId = ctx.sendTransaction(signed);
return signed.toJson(true);

As the last step we serialize signed transaction into Json with turned on pretty printing. Please see the full source code of the example.

Using from JavaScript

Before running JavaScript example it my be helpful to run Java example first to make sure everything is set up correctly.

GraalVM can run JavaScript and Node.js applications out of the box and it is compatible with the ECMAScript 2019 specification. Additionally, js and node launchers accept special --jvm and --polyglot command line options which allow JS script to access Java objects and classes.

That said, a JS example of ErgoTool can be executed using Node.js

$ node --jvm --vm.cp=target/scala-2.12/ergo-appkit-3.1.0.jar \
  examples/src/main/java/org/ergoplatform/example/ErgoTool.js  1000000000

Start session for debugging

$ node --jvm --inspect --vm.cp=target/scala-2.12/ergo-appkit-3.1.0.jar \
  examples/src/main/java/org/ergoplatform/example/ErgoTool.js  1000000000

Using from Python

Before running Python example it my be helpful to run Java example first to make sure everything is set up correctly.

GraalVM can run Python scripts, though the Python implementation is still experimental (see also compatibility section for details).

Python example of ErgoTool can be executed using the following command

$ graalpython --jvm --vm.cp=target/scala-2.12/ergo-appkit-3.1.0.jar \
  --polyglot examples/src/main/java/org/ergoplatform/example/ErgoTool.py 1900000000

Using from Ruby

Before running Ruby example it my be helpful to run Java example first to make sure everything is set up correctly.

GraalVM can run Ruby scripts, though the Ruby implementation is still experimental (see also compatibility section for details).

Ruby example of ErgoTool can be executed using the following command

$ ruby --polyglot --jvm --vm.cp=target/scala-2.12/ergo-appkit-3.1.0.jar 
    examples/src/main/java/org/ergoplatform/example/ErgoTool.rb 1900000000

Repository organization

sub-module description
common Used in all other submodules and contain basic utility classes
java-client-generated Typed REST Java client generated from Swagger definition of Ergo node API
lib-api All Appkit Java interfaces which can be implemented elsewhere
lib-impl Implementation of Appkit interfaces using java-client-generated to connect to Ergo API
examples collection of simple Appkit example applications



Appkit require GraalVM (Community or Enterprise edition) to be downloaded and installed. Community edition should be enough for Ergo Appkit library.

Install GraalVM Community Edition on MacOS

First you need to download an archive with the latest release of GraalVM (e.g. graalvm-ce-darwin-amd64-19.2.1.tar.gz) for MacOS and put the programs from it onto the $PATH.

$ cd <your/directory/with/downloaded/graal>
$ tar -zxf graalvm-ce-darwin-amd64-19.2.1.tar.gz
$ export GRAAL_HOME=<your/directory/with/downloaded/graal>/graalvm-ce-19.2.1/Contents/Home
$ export PATH=$PATH:${GRAAL_HOME}/bin

GraalVM comes with a package manager called gu that lets you install additional languages (JavaScript comes with GraalVM). You will also need to install the native-image tool. These all get downloaded from GitHub.

$ gu install native-image
$ gu install ruby
$ gu install python
$ gu install R

When you run java or js you'll get the GraalVM versions of those runtimes.

$ java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_232"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_232-20191009173705.graal.jdk8u-src-tar-gz-b07)
OpenJDK 64-Bit GraalVM CE 19.2.1 (build 25.232-b07-jvmci-19.2-b03, mixed mode)

$ js --version
GraalVM JavaScript (GraalVM CE Native 19.2.1)

Building the Appkit jar file

At the moment Appkit is not published at public servers, so the whole repository needs to be clonned and Appkit jar file published locally in the Ivy repository.

$ git clone https://github.com/ergoplatform/ergo-appkit.git
$ cd ergo-appkit
$ sbt publishLocal 

Why Polyglot?

After many years of research and development GraalVM project has matured enough end became production ready.

From Ergo perspective GraalVM platform opens many unique opportunities in the nearest and the distant future. Here is a summary of some GraalVM related facts:

  • Ergo node can run on GraalVM without any modifications, in fact GraalVM is fully compliant with JDK 1.8 (which is minimal requirement for Ergo Protocol Client)

  • Graal's native-image tool can be used to compile JVM applications into native applications which can run without JVM. It can also produce shared libraries (*.so files on Linux and *.dylib files on MacOS) that can be used from C/C++ applications (and also from JavaScript, Python, etc using FFI).

  • All cryptography classes BouncyCastle Java library which are used in Ergo reference implementation can be compiled to shared library and used from non-JVM languages.

  • All the code from ErgoScript interpreter, ergo-wallet and this Appkit is compatible with native-image and can be compiled into either native application or shared library.

  • Appkit API interfaces can be used from JavaScript and Python by design. They can also be used from C/C++ (this is work in progress, and corresponding examples will be added later).

  • Appkit can be pre-compiled to native-image based launchers of both JavaScript and Python to enjoy fast startup and lower runtime memory overhead when running scripts (work in progress)

  • Appkit native shared library can be used from Python and JavaScript through FFI (work in progress)