csv-parse - CSV parsing implementing the Node.js stream.Transform API.
Part of the CSV module, this project is a parser converting CSV text input into arrays or objects. It implements the Node.js stream.Transform API. It also provides a simple callback-based API for convenience. It is both extremely easy to use and powerful. It was first released in 2010 and is used against big data sets by a large community.
$ sbt clean publish-local
Before running the tests the first time, you must ensure the npm packages are installed:
$ npm install
Then you can run the tests:
$ sbt test
import io.scalajs.JSON
import io.scalajs.npm.csvparse._
import io.scalajs.npm.readablestream.Readable
import scalajs.js
val text =
"""# A List of Super Heroes
|"first", "last", "alter-ego", "votes"
|"Bruce", "Wayne", "Batman", 1000
|"Charles", "Xavier", "Professor X", 890
|"Clark", "Kent", "Superman", 2000
|"David", "Banner", "The Incredible Hulk", 1985
|"Peter", "Parker", "The Amazing Spider-Man", 1999""".stripMargin
val results = js.Array[js.Any]()
val parser = CsvParse(new ParserOptions(
comment = "#",
auto_parse = true,
columns = true,
delimiter = ",",
quote = "\"",
relax = true,
rowDelimiter = "\n",
skip_empty_lines = true,
trim = true
parser.onData((data: js.Any) => results.push(data))
val readable = new Readable()
readable._read = () => {}
readable.onEnd(() => {
println(JSON.stringify(results, null, " "))
"first": "Bruce",
"last": "Wayne",
"alter-ego": "Batman",
"votes": 1000
"first": "Charles",
"last": "Xavier",
"alter-ego": "Professor X",
"votes": 890
"first": "Clark",
"last": "Kent",
"alter-ego": "Superman",
"votes": 2000
"first": "David",
"last": "Banner",
"alter-ego": "The Incredible Hulk",
"votes": 1985
"first": "Peter",
"last": "Parker",
"alter-ego": "The Amazing Spider-Man",
"votes": 1999
To add the CsvParse
binding to your project, add the following to your build.sbt:
libraryDependencies += "io.scalajs.npm" %%% "csv-parse" % "0.5.0"
Optionally, you may add the Sonatype Repository resolver:
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("releases")