This hello world project has a simple BPMN process and depends on Kogito 1.33.0.Final.
Compile and Run
mvn clean package quarkus:dev
Native Image (requires JAVA_HOME to point to a valid GraalVM)
mvn clean package -Pnative
native executable (and runnable jar) generated in
Generated application comes with sample test process that allows you to verify if the application is working as expected. Simply execute following command to try it out
curl -d '{}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080/greetings
Once successfully invoked you should see "Hello World" in the console of the running application.
The generated application provides out of the box multiple samples of Kogito assets; you can reference the generated Swagger documentation and JUnit tests.
Add your business assets resources (process definition, rules, decisions) into src/main/resources.
Add your java classes (data model, utilities, services) into src/main/java.
Then just build the project and run.
The exposed service OpenAPI specification is generated at /q/openapi.
You can visualize and interact with the generated specification using the embbeded Swagger UI or importing the generated specification file on Swagger Editor.
In addition client application can be easily generated from the swagger definition to interact with this service.