
CDK porting for demonstrating S3 access points

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Anomyzing personal identifiable information with AWS S3 Access Poins and AWS Comprehend

This the CDK porting of the demo project present in the FooBar Serverless YouTube channel: the original used AWS SAM while I wanted to use AWS CDK just for fun :) See the references section for more information.

Note that the lambda function is copy-and-pasted from https://github.com/mavi888/s3objectlambda-demo/ and so the author deserves all credits: I am only re-using it as it is since my focus is making this work with CDK.

How to run

Note that if you need some particular AWS profile, you can set the variable AWS_PROFILE. For example:

export AWS_PROFILE="development"

npm install 

1. Deploy the stack

npm run cdk:deploy

Take note of the following output, since you will need them when running the CLI commands:

S3ObjectlambdaCdkDemoStack.AnonymiserFunctionArn = arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:1234567890:function:S3ObjectlambdaCdkDemoStac-AnonymiserFunction292EC5-MoSGFaEwiEKf
S3ObjectlambdaCdkDemoStack.S3BucketName = s3objectlambdacdkdemostack-bucket-with-pii
S3ObjectlambdaCdkDemoStack.S3LambdaAccessPointArn = arn:aws:s3-object-lambda:eu-west-1:1234567890:accesspoint/bucket-with-pii-lambda-access-point

2. Copy the example file to your bucket

aws s3 cp test-data/example.txt s3://<S3ObjectlambdaCdkDemoStack.S3BucketName>

3. Get the anonymised content

Now, if we try to access the same key example.txt, we will get an anonymised version of it:

aws s3api get-object --bucket <S3ObjectlambdaCdkDemoStack.S3LambdaAccessPointArn> --key example.txt ./anonymised.txt
mario@Sharkey:~/src/learning/s3objectlambda-cdk-demo$ cat anonymised.txt
Hello *****. Your AnyCompany Financial Services, LLC credit card account ***** has a minimum payment of $24.53 that is due by *****. Based on your autopay settings, we will withdraw your payment on the due date from your bank account ***** with the routing number *****. 

Your latest statement was mailed to *****. 
After your payment is received, you will receive a confirmation text message at *****. 
