
TypeError when Creating application on deploy.js

BeepboyAlgo opened this issue · 2 comments

I am trying to create a DAO on the testnet. On the Create Application part of the deploy.js file I recieve a TypeError because the first argument is null. I debugged my code and any argument retuns me null.

async function run (runtimeEnv, deployer) {
  const { creator, proposer, voterA, voterB } = accounts(deployer);

  // fund accounts
  await fundAccount(deployer, [creator, proposer, voterA, voterB]);

  // Create DAO Gov Token
  const govToken = await deployer.deployASA('test-token', { creator: creator });
  // DAO App initialization parameters
  const deposit = 15; // deposit required to make a proposal
  const minSupport = 5; // minimum number of yes power votes to validate proposal
  const minDuration = 1 * 60; // 1min (minimum voting time in number of seconds)
  const maxDuration = 5 * 60; // 5min (maximum voting time in number of seconds)
  const url = '';

  const appArgs = [
  const templateParam = { ARG_GOV_TOKEN: govToken.assetIndex };

  // Create Application
  const daoAppInfo = await deployer.deployApp(
    '', {
      sender: creator,
      localInts: 9,
      localBytes: 7,
      globalInts: 4,
      globalBytes: 2,
      appArgs: appArgs
    }, {}, templateParam);


Error output:

PyTEAL template parameters: { ARG_GOV_TOKEN: 62330360 }
TEAL replacement parameters: {}
TypeError: The first argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, ArrayBuffer, or Array or an Array-like Object. Received null
    at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:371:5)
    at from (node:buffer:322:9)
    at Object.MurmurHashV3 [as default] (C:\Users\isica\AppData\Local\Yarn\Data\global\node_modules\murmurhash\murmurhash.js:74:38)
    at CompileOp.ensureCompiled (C:\Users\isica\AppData\Local\Yarn\Data\global\node_modules\@algo-builder\algob\src\lib\compile.ts:51:44)
    at AlgoOperatorImpl.ensureCompiled (C:\Users\isica\AppData\Local\Yarn\Data\global\node_modules\@algo-builder\algob\src\lib\algo-operator.ts:503:33)
    at AlgoOperatorImpl.deployApp (C:\Users\isica\AppData\Local\Yarn\Data\global\node_modules\@algo-builder\algob\src\lib\algo-operator.ts:317:28)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
    at DeployerDeployMode.deployApp (C:\Users\isica\AppData\Local\Yarn\Data\global\node_modules\@algo-builder\algob\src\internal\deployer.ts:672:17)
    at [as default] (C:\Kernel\projects\my_new_project\dao\scripts\deploy.js:34:22)
    at runScript (C:\Users\isica\AppData\Local\Yarn\Data\global\node_modules\@algo-builder\algob\src\internal\util\scripts-runner.ts:75:5) {
Error ABLDR602: Error while executing script 'scripts/deploy.js': The first argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, ArrayBuffer, or Array or an Array-like Object. Receieceived null

On the line 62 from the class CompileOp the ensurePyTEALCompiled function is returning me null.

class CompileOp {
    constructor(algocl) {
        this.cacheAssured = false;
        this.algocl = algocl;
        this.pyCompile = new runtime_1.PyCompileOp();
    /** Gets the TEAL compiled result from artifacts cache and compiles the code if necessary.
     * Will throw an exception if the source file doesn't exists.
     * @param filename: name of the TEAL code in `/assets` directory.
     *   (Examples: `mysc.teal, security/rbac.teal`)
     *   MUST have a .teal, .lsig or .py extension
     * @param force: if true it will force recompilation even if the cache is up to date.
     * @param scTmplParams: Smart contract template parameters (used only when compiling PyTEAL to TEAL)
    async ensureCompiled(filename, force, scTmplParams) {
        const filePath = (0, runtime_1.getPathFromDirRecursive)(project_structure_1.ASSETS_DIR, filename);
        if (force === undefined) {
            force = false;
        if (!filename.endsWith(exports.tealExt) && !filename.endsWith(exports.lsigExt) && !filename.endsWith(exports.pyExt)) {
            throw new Error(`filename "${filename}" must end with "${exports.tealExt}" or "${exports.lsigExt}" or "${exports.pyExt}"`); // TODO: convert to buildererror
        let teal;
        let thash;
        if (filename.endsWith(exports.pyExt)) {
            const content = this.pyCompile.ensurePyTEALCompiled(filename, scTmplParams);
            [teal, thash] = [content, murmurhash.v3(content)];
        else {
            [teal, thash] = this.readTealAndHash(filePath);

Was a problem with python. Thank you.