Framework to automate development of Algorand Assets and Smart Contracts.
- 0
Cannot find module 'findup-sync' in runtime package
#868 opened by MacroChip - 1
InnerTxn does not have 'foreignAssets' field
#863 opened by huybuidac - 2
Invalid value "" for config.networks.testnet.token - Expected a value of type string (with length > 10).
#867 opened by dimitardanailov - 3
ABI support
#758 opened by MetaB0y - 7
RUNTIME_ERR1003: Type of data is incorrect. Expected unsigned integer (upto 64 bit) but got 0
#754 opened by darmawan01 - 0
- 4
- 4
TEAL 7 makes runtime fail
#759 opened by MetaB0y - 7
Algob deploy not working
#799 opened by MohaiminulEraj - 3
- 2
Wrong design of getGlobalState
#590 opened by PabloLION - 3
Overwritting parameter from algobuilder script to Pyteal programe with deployer.mkDelegatedLsig
#764 opened by ayoubomari - 1
Minimal interactive debugger for runtime
#763 opened by MetaB0y - 2
Error: RUNTIME_ERR1500: Invalid ASA definition: Total must be a positive number and smaller than 2^64-1
#768 opened by MetaB0y - 4
[Yarn workspaces config] Cannot find module '@algo-builder/web' or its corresponding type declarations.
#765 opened by MetaB0y - 4
- 0
- 2
Mocha printing "ASA file not defined"
#697 opened by kashishkhullar - 2
Rename optIntoASA to optInToASA
#710 opened by kashishkhullar - 11
Unable to compile contracts on Windows machine
#689 opened by afcharliekong - 6
Cannot find module 'ts-mocha'
#633 opened by soring323 - 2
Contract to contract call
#685 opened by huybuidac - 1
ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\...\dao\artifacts\cache\'
#553 opened by BeepboyAlgo - 5
[Question] Can I test teal against local algod/purestake instead of algob-runtime?
#586 opened by bo-abstrlabs - 1
- 5
- 3
Add rekying support to runtime
#512 opened by robert-zaremba - 2
TypeError when Creating application on deploy.js
#551 opened by BeepboyAlgo - 4
Update to upstream PyTeal (TEAL 5)
#479 opened by Ungolim - 0
Update app deploying to save app with params
#511 opened by robert-zaremba - 2
Bug in "Tutorial: Part 1"
#516 opened by tzaffi - 3
typo in "unbox-template default" scripts
#492 opened by djudjuu - 2
Error: RUNTIME_ERR1028: Error encountered while parsing teal file: unknown opcode "txnas" for teal version #5
#526 opened by Lumene98 - 1
- 2
- 6
For returns error going through array in runtime
#481 opened by Lumene98 - 1
@algo-builder/runtime has a missing module
#463 opened by ashleydavis - 2
Documentation Clarifer for Asa Example
#470 opened by djudjuu - 2
- 2
AssetCloseTo parameter
#469 opened by Anish-98 - 9
Pooled transaction fees
#418 opened by gidonkatten - 4
Runtime, optInAccNames problem w/ Asa definition
#423 opened by BubsLB - 2
- 2
In runtime the function Console.log() doesn't print anything within the "it" sections
#425 opened by BubsLB - 4
Typescript, array of parameters for an Atomic Transaction without any type assigned
#409 opened by BubsLB - 2
Cannot Opt Into Asset
#404 opened by gidonkatten - 2
`App.localGetEx` does not found local state
#403 opened by gidonkatten - 9
Problems with algob
#392 opened by Lumene98 - 4
- 2
ScratchVar is not defined
#387 opened by Lumene98