
A website hosting the game Kindo. See README for rules and credits.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Paul Vauvrey

  • Original Kindo game design

Daniel Scalettar

  • Implementation of the Kindo website

How to Play


Capture the opponent's King tile to win the game.


Each turn you are given 2 moves by default (up to 4 moves maximum if awarded bonus moves). You can use each of your moves to perform one of the following actions:

  • Convert a neutral tile which is horizontally or vertically adjacent to a tile you control
  • Capture an enemy tile which is horizontally or vertically adjacent to a tile you control
  • Place a wall on a tile you already control (if that tile already has a wall, your move will be used to change the direction of the wall)


Normally you can capture an enemy tile as long as it is horizontally or vertically adjacent to a tile you control. However, if the enemy tile has a wall on the side your adjacent tile is on, it blocks you from capturing that enemy tile from that direction.

NOTE: Walls cannot be placed on the tiles located on the diagonal from the top left to the bottom right. These tiles have a "bracket" image as a reminder that walls cannot be placed there.

Mass Capture

When you capture an enemy tile, if it results in any of their tiles being isolated from their King (no path of friendly tiles leading back to their king), those tiles will also be captured.

Last Played

When you play a tile, it will be marked with a small square in the center. This means that you played the tile during your last turn. At the start of your turn, this square will be removed. The reason these squares are marked will be explained in the "Bonus Moves" section.

Bonus Moves

You can earn multiple bonus moves during a single turn but may have no more than 4 moves total. There are two ways to earn bonus moves:

  • If you perform a "Mass Capture" (isolate enemy tiles)
  • If your opponent captures a tile you played during your last turn (a tile marked with a square in the center)

NOTE: Bonus moves always apply to your next turn, not your current turn.



Latest Updates

  • All game logic fully implemented
  • All fundamental game visuals added

Upcoming Plans

  • Add images to README game tutorial
  • Game page UI polish (new game button, game winner display, etc)
  • Dynamic resizing (mobile compatibility)
  • Add a tutorial page explaining how to play the game
  • Add an about page crediting the game designer
  • Add a theme selection page
  • Add an updates page where the changelog and future plans can be posted

Long-term Plans

  • Store game data in database
  • Add support for user accounts
  • Add ranking system, matchmaking, and leaderboard page
  • Add statistics page
  • Add AI