
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to the responder

Overview and the goal

This is a REST API that uses express.js for simple questions and answers submissions. The data is stored in the file questions.json. Initially, just a first few API endpoints are implemented. The goal of this exercise is to create and test the rest of the endpoints.


The solution is a basic skeleton of express.js app:

  1. The starting point is index.js - it contains the routes definitions. Most of them are empty and should be implemented as part of solving this exercise. Use the GET /questions route as a reference.
  2. The repositories/question.js holds the data store (which is a simple file, stored on disk) for questions and answers. It also has functions that require implementation.
  3. Ther is also a test file for question repository. Put your repository tests there.
  4. The middleware/repositories.js hooks a repository into the req object of express.js. No need to extend anything here.

Some assumptions

  1. The structure of questions and answers objects can be deducted from questions.json.
  2. The id are GUID's (there is already uuid package added to package.json to facilitate their creation - use v4).
  3. For endpoints that have id parameter it will look something like this:
GET /questions/50f9e662-fa0e-4ec7-b53b-7845e8f821c3/answers/d498c0a3-5be2-4354-a3bc-78673aca0f31

Final words

Please make sure you write unit tests - part of the exercise is to explore your ability to write them. Also, try to cover all endpoints, however, this is not crucial.

How to send the solution back

Upload your soultion to either Github or Gitlab and send us the link.