!!WARNING!! Be really carefull with the passwords.cfg. Obviously this method of storing your bank account's credentials is very weak especially with Eurobank where a security token is not necessary for bank transfers. Use at your own risk! DON'T share your files with friends, zip, distribute etc. and be careful with viruses. Proactively a .gitignore rule has been added for you.
Quick start
Remove the .example from passwords.cfg.example and set your user/pass/acnt#. Adjust banks.py to your needs and you are ready to go.
Some account examples:
summary = Eurobank(config)+Alpha(config)
A complete example with multiple accounts and chaining:
from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
import grbanks
config = RawConfigParser()
You can save to Excel format with the toCsv method. The Excel format support Greek characters. You can also perform filtering and a custom formating
(a+e).format(grbanks.FORMAT_SUPERSIZE_ME).filter(lambda row: float(row['amount'])>300).printp().toCsv("ae.csv")
You might want to use gpg to encrypt your account info data:
# See here on how to run gpg: http://www.madboa.com/geek/gpg-quickstart/
# See here if you have problem generating random numbers: http://goo.gl/ecTsK
# Create your keys:
gpg --gen-key
# Encode your keys:
gpg -e -r "USERNAME" passwords.cfg
rm passwords.cfg
# Now decrypt on-the-fly and run:
gpg -d --no-use-agent passwords.cfg.gpg | ./banks.py --stdin
The account# for Alpha Bank can be found here:
and for Eurobank here: