
Basic API's for Greek banks (Eurobank and Alpha Bank)

Primary LanguagePython

!!WARNING!! Be really carefull with the passwords.cfg. Obviously this method of storing your bank account's credentials is very weak especially with Eurobank where a security token is not necessary for bank transfers. Use at your own risk! DON'T share your files with friends, zip, distribute etc. and be careful with viruses. Proactively a .gitignore rule has been added for you.

Quick start

Remove the .example from passwords.cfg.example and set your user/pass/acnt#. Adjust banks.py to your needs and you are ready to go.


Some account examples:

summary = Eurobank(config)+Alpha(config)

A complete example with multiple accounts and chaining:

from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
import grbanks

config = RawConfigParser()

You can save to Excel format with the toCsv method. The Excel format support Greek characters. You can also perform filtering and a custom formating

(a+e).format(grbanks.FORMAT_SUPERSIZE_ME).filter(lambda row: float(row['amount'])>300).printp().toCsv("ae.csv")

You might want to use gpg to encrypt your account info data:

# See here on how to run gpg: http://www.madboa.com/geek/gpg-quickstart/
# See here if you have problem generating random numbers: http://goo.gl/ecTsK

# Create your keys:
gpg --gen-key

# Encode your keys:
gpg -e -r "USERNAME" passwords.cfg
rm passwords.cfg

# Now decrypt on-the-fly and run:
gpg -d --no-use-agent passwords.cfg.gpg | ./banks.py --stdin

The account# for Alpha Bank can be found here:

Account number for Alpha Bank

and for Eurobank here:

Account number for Eurobank