
Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



ballot ensures that it's the only one running a command, by running a leader election on a ZooKeeper cluster. Others that try to run the same command (based on ZooKeeper path) will wait until the active ballot releases leadership.

Some example use cases include:

  • A distributed cron service, where jobs need to run at specific times or time intervals, and cannot overlap, but still needs to failover to standby instances on failure. In this case ballot acts as lockrun would on a single-server system.
  • Any singleton service, that would be a kubernetes Deployment of 1 replica, if kubernetes is not an option, or if running on kubernetes and trying to achieve failover faster than the control plane can re-schedule pods.


ballot run once --candidate-id `hostname` -- /usr/bin/env LD_PRELOAD=trickle.so command-with-exclusive-resource
ballot run cron --candidate-id `hostname` --schedule='@daily' -- /usr/bin/env LD_PRELOAD=trickle.so command-with-exclusive-resource


A running and healthy ZooKeeper ensemble is required. Only plain unauthenticated connections are supported at this time.


ballot relies on viper/cobra for command line and configuration, and thus can be configured using command line arguments, environment variables, and configuration files. Remote configuration sources are not available at this time.

Several configuration sources can be mixed, as long as parameters are not duplicated between sources. The following are all equivalent:

  • Running ballot --config-file ./ballot.yaml run [...] with ballot.yaml containing:

    - server1
    - server2
    - 'server3:2181'
    zookeeper-base-path: /com/scality/backbeat/singleton
    zookeeper-session-timeout: 5s
    log-level: debug
    log-format: json
  • Running

    env \
        ZOOKEEPER_SERVERS=server1,server2,server3:2181 \
        ZOOKEEPER_BASE_PATH=/com/scality/backbeat/singleton \
        LOG_LEVEL=debug \
        LOG_FORMAT=json \
        ballot run [...]
  • Running

    ballot \
        --zookeeper-servers server1 \
        --zookeeper-servers server2 \
        --zookeeper-servers server3:2181 \
        --zookeeper-base-path /com/scality/backbeat/singleton \
        --zookeeper-session-timeout 5s \
        --log-level debug \
        --log-format json \
        run [...]

Global configuration:

Parameter Description Default Allowed values
config-file Configuration file ~/.config/ballot/ballot.json, ~/.config/ballot/ballot.yaml, /etc/ballot/ballot.json, /etc/ballot/ballot.yaml, ./ballot.json, ./ballot.yaml Any path to a valid yaml or json ballot configuration
zookeeper-servers List of ZooKeeper servers localhost List of server or server:port
zookeeper-base-path Base path to ZooKeeper election proposal nodes /ballot/election Any valid, otherwise unused ZooKeeper path
zookeeper-session-timeout ZooKeeper session timeout, used to detect purge stale election members 5s Any duration between 2 and 20 times ZooKeeper's tickTime
log-level Log level info trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic
log-format Logs format human human, json, raw
debug Debug mode with extra checks and logging false false, true


Run Once

run once runs the provided command. Use -- to separate ballot's own arguments from the command's executable and arguments if they contain -'s (which is very likely).

Setting parameters on-child-success and on-election-failure to reelect or rerun will cause the command to be run several times. In this case, once means "not scheduled to run regularly", and is not a guarantee of only one run.

Note: If ZooKeeper goes down while a ballot process is a leader and others are waiting as followers, they will all stay in their respective roles and operate until ZooKeeper comes back. They will, however, not be able to perform any failover or run new commands until ZooKeeper is back up.


Parameter Description Default Allowed values
candidate-id This ballot's ID, to be used for display and debugging purposes. Uniqueness of IDs between ballots is not required, but makes inspecting easier. N/A, mandatory Any string
on-child-success What to do when the command we run terminates with exit code 0. reelect rerun, reelect, exit, ignore
on-child-error What to do when the command we run terminates with an exit code other than 0, or cannot be executed for any reason. reelect rerun, reelect, exit, ignore
on-election-failure What to do when the election process fails for technical reasons (unreachable ZooKeeper, for example). Use run-anyway only if running too many processes at once is preferable to none at all. retry retry, run-anyway, exit
wrap-child-logs Whether to display the command's logs formatted as our own logs, or have its stdout and stderr directly connected to ballot's true false, true

Run Cron

run cron runs the provided command on a schedule. Use -- to separate ballot's own arguments from the command's executable and arguments if they contain -'s (which is very likely).

Leader election is performed once and all timed invocations happen on the node that was elected leader. Elections do not happen for each invocation, unless on-child-success/on-child-error are set to reelect.

The only supported concurrency policy at the moment is to skip an invocation if the previous invocation is still running.

Note: If ZooKeeper goes down while a ballot process is a leader and others are waiting as followers, they will all stay in their respective roles and operate until ZooKeeper comes back. They will, however, not be able to perform any failover in the event that the leader goes down.

Future features can include adding a deadline and killing overdue jobs, allowing invocation queueing, allowing concurrent invocations.


Parameter Description Default Allowed values
schedule Schedule to run on. N/A, mandatory Extended Cron format
candidate-id This ballot's ID, to be used for display and debugging purposes N/A, mandatory. Uniqueness of IDs between ballots is not required, but makes inspecting easier. Any string
on-child-success What to do when the command we run terminates with exit code 0. reelect rerun, reelect, exit, ignore
on-child-error What to do when the command we run terminates with an exit code other than 0, or cannot be executed for any reason. reelect rerun, reelect, exit, ignore
on-election-failure What to do when the election process fails for technical reasons (unreachable ZooKeeper, for example). Use run-anyway only if running too many processes at once is preferable to none at all. retry retry, run-anyway, exit
wrap-child-logs Whether to display the command's logs formatted as our own logs, or have its stdout and stderr directly connected to ballot's true false, true



The info command shows the current state of the election:

  • The current leader
  • The list of candidates
  • Data about each entry (proposal, last seen time, host, pid, candidate id, etc)
  • Notes about each entry that could have an effect on the current election. These notes often include conditional phrasing, because they are observations based on heuristics, as it is often not possible to know what really is happening until later.


See Global Configuration for common options.


Here is an example of an election where the leader just resigned (for example because its child process completed successfully, and the configured policy is reelect). We can see that candidate-2 is well positioned to be the leader, but is prevented by candidate-5 which still holds a lease (last heartbeat 2.242563s ago). When candidate-5's heartbeat misses (2.75s from now, or sessionTimeout/2 after its last heartbeat), candidate-2 will proceed with leadership.

$ ballot --zookeeper-servers localhost:2181 --zookeeper-base-path /ballot/myservice info
  id: candidate-5
  host: host-5
  pid: "25048"
  proposalTime: 2022-01-07 13:40:17.537208 -0800 PST m=+1.119309658
  proposalNode: /ballot/myservice/proposal-0000031785
  sessionTimeout: 10s
  - is leader
  - last heartbeat 2.242563s ago
  - possibly resigning
  - election may be in progress
  lastSeenTime: 2022-01-07 13:40:47.55661 -0800 PST m=+31.138087501
- id: candidate-2
  host: host-2
  pid: "5967"
  proposalTime: 2022-01-07 13:40:17.540773 -0800 PST m=+1.111020024
  proposalNode: /ballot/myservice/proposal-0000031786
  sessionTimeout: 10s
  - should be leader but another candidate is claiming the role
  - possibly waiting for previous leader resignation
  - proposal node created 32.259036s ago
- id: candidate-3
  host: host-3
  pid: "6516"
  proposalTime: 2022-01-07 13:40:17.540755 -0800 PST m=+1.112006091
  proposalNode: /ballot/myservice/proposal-0000031787
  sessionTimeout: 10s
  - proposal node created 32.259585s ago
- id: candidate-1
  host: host-1
  pid: "152"
  proposalTime: 2022-01-07 13:40:17.540778 -0800 PST m=+1.113612800
  proposalNode: /ballot/myservice/proposal-0000031788
  sessionTimeout: 10s
  - proposal node created 32.260036s ago
- id: candidate-4
  host: host-4
  pid: "8053"
  proposalTime: 2022-01-07 13:40:17.540928 -0800 PST m=+1.123033944
  proposalNode: /ballot/myservice/proposal-0000031789
  sessionTimeout: 10s
  - proposal node created 32.260125s ago
- id: candidate-5
  host: host-5
  pid: "4389"
  proposalTime: 2022-01-07 13:40:47.827953 -0800 PST m=+31.409424660
  proposalNode: /ballot/myservice/proposal-0000031790
  sessionTimeout: 10s
  - this candidate id claimed leadership
  - proposal node created 1.973348s ago


Not implemented yet.


Parameter Description Default Allowed values



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Design Doc.

TODO: Developer instructions to be written here.


Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.